Sat, 2 November 2019
21WIRE's Patrick Henningsen joins Fault Lines Radio host Garland Nixon and guest host Jamarl Thomas on Monday morning DC drive time: Patrick hopped on the phone earlier this week to talk about his latest 'Facebook jail' sentence, offering up a scathing critique of the social media giant and Silicon Valley's brand of latte fascism. *** Listen to Fault Lines Radio LIVE on Radio Sputnik: This segment was clipped from the October 28, 2019 live broadcast:
Sat, 2 November 2019
BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY (SPUTNIK RADIO) – "In this segment, Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Patrick Henningsen, writer, global affairs analyst, co-founder and executive editor of 21st Century Wire to talk about the United Kingdom holding general elections on December 12th, what strategies the Labour and Conservative parties will take over the next 6 weeks to win the election, the role 'remain' Liberal democrat MPs will play in the election and what to do with the Irish issue." MORE OF 21WIRE's NEWS & ANALYSIS HERE: SUPPORT 21WIRE's INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET: |
Sat, 2 November 2019
Color revolutions, uprisings and unrest. Every week it seems, a new country added to the list. What’s driving this trend and are all protests alike? “All across the Middle East and beyond there are large scale protests and growing political instability. In many countries the old ways of doing business have only enriched privileged elites, while the prospects for the many are few and far in between. Do the elites have answers for today’s growing problems?” CrossTalking this subject with host Peter Lavelle are guests James Jatras, Patrick Henningsen, and Joshua Landis. Watch here: |