21st Century Wire's Podcast

This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. We start off with the biggest news the week – it seems that America’s 10 week Coronavirus Lockdown has suddenly been busted open by the killing of Minnesota’s George Floyd and the burning of America. In the final segment we’ll also talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine for the latest on US meltdown and also UK corona crisis and lifting lockdowns this week, along with a bit of COVID Sporting news. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show…


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The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at http://alternatecurrentradio.com and http://thesundaywire.com

Direct download: episode_328_americas_lockdown_ends_witha_bang.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:10pm CST

This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. As summer fast approached and 20% of the world’s population is still somewhat “locked-up” under house arrest, we continue our commentary on the Coronavirus COVID-19 crisis, as governments continue to double-down on a panic-driven policy decision which looks certain to be the biggest epic failure in modern history. In the first hour we speak with journalist and historian Olsi Jazexhi from Tirana, Albania for an update on his country’s #CoronaCoup as the people begin pushing back against US-backed dictator who hoped to use the COVID crisis to seize autocratic power over the country. In the final segment we’ll also talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, and ACR’s Hesher for the latest on US states lifting lockdowns this week. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show…


MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: https://21stcenturywire.com/support

SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: https://21wire.tv

The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at http://alternatecurrentradio.com and http://thesundaywire.com

Direct download: episode_327_no_sign_o_second_wave_olsi_jazexhi_sp.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:35pm CST

This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we continue our commentary on the Coronavirus COVID-19 crisis and the great social engineering experiment known as ‘lockdown’, as governments continue to double-down on a policy decision which looks certain to be the biggest epic failure in modern history. New economic figures are in which now point to a global depression, with central banks printing money like there’s no tomorrow, and governments saying that the people must pay the bill through higher taxes and spending cuts over the coming decades. In the second hour, we’ll connect with special guest, independent researcher, David Crowe, to discuss his recent analysis of the COVID-19 RT-PCR RNA testing, as well the efficacy of COVID antibody testing – how accurate they are and how this paradigm could affect governments’ policies and society going forward. In the final segment we’ll also talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, and ACR’s Hesher for the latest on US states lifting lockdowns this week. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show…


MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: https://21stcenturywire.com/support

SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: https://21wire.tv

The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at http://alternatecurrentradio.com and http://thesundaywire.com

Direct download: episode_326_covid_crash_test_with_guest_david_crowe_nrml.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:16pm CST

The COVID-19 crisis has seen a wave of mass hysteria and panic sweeping across the planet, and which seems to have prompted Western governments to overreact in ever grand fashion to 'the threat.' Where are they getting all of their prompts, ideas and policies? The answer: from the beginning, they have all been copying China. And the results have been disastrous. Why is this happening, seeing the West, especially the US, has always prided itself on being the ideological 'opposite' of China, and is using the COVID crisis to accelerate a new Cold/Hot War with China? Could it be that the Coronavirus crisis has initiated a process of harmonization in global fascism? UKC News co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson offer some answers these questions.

(This is an edited segment from a live news program broadcast on April 24, 2020).

Watch this segment here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaEqmHi9Xs8 

This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we continue our commentary on the globalists’ ubiquitous Medieval-style pandemic ‘lockdown’ experiment, as governments around the world double-down what is already being exposed as one of the worst epic failures of policy in modern history. Countries are now being held hostage by ad-hoc Big Government policies being directly influenced by billionaire philanthropists and NGOs. As the social and economic bill continues to pile up, governments continue to send mixed signals on lifting lockdowns and also how they plan to continue ‘fighting’ the Coronavirus COVID-19 respiratory infectious disease. We’ll also revisit the situation in the non-lockdown Sweden to how they got on this past week and why their success story show raise alarms as to the total debacle experienced by the likes of US and UK. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show…


MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: https://21stcenturywire.com/support

SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: https://21wire.tv

The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at http://alternatecurrentradio.com and http://thesundaywire.com

Direct download: episode_325_sundaywire_sp1.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:02pm CST