Sun, 28 December 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE this week with host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE, looking back at all the year's top stories from the US, and internationally. In the first hour Patrick welcomes correspondent, Dean Ryan who's celebrating Christmas Down Under, and in the second hour we look back at 2014 with 21WIRE’s Shawn Helton. We also look back at last Xmas and our bizarre encounter on air with Kris Kringle, and later at the end of the episode, we’ll do a poetry reading and moving tribute to the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and discover his message to future generations. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: acr_sunday_wire_christmas_special.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:07pm CST |
Sun, 21 December 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE with host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE covering the week's top stories from the US, Europe and beyond including the 'Sydney Siege'. In the first hour – Patrick covers SONY's false flag hack and The Interview film controversy, North Korea's fictional threat and Clooney and Obama's fatal gaffes. We're then joined by our first guest, producer Tim Fox, animator and creator of 'Conrad the Constitution' from Fox Bros Studios in LA to talk about the Sony controversy and his own personal experience with state censorship in the US. In the second hour we'll cover America's ongoing police violence and race crisis and cover the breaking #ICantBreathe revenge shooting of two NYPD police yesterday by a militant black activist in Brooklyn, and what the political fall out will be for Mayor De Blasio, Obama, Eric Holder and Al Sharpton. In the third hour, we're joined by former US Marine, journalist and peace activist, Ken O’Keefe, to discuss his experience surviving the Israel siege of the Gaza Aid Flotilla in 2010, the use of EIT's or 'torture' by the US, and his role in the Hawaiian Independence Movement. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 14 December 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasta LIVE, with host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE, covering the week's top stories from the US, Europe and beyond. In the first hour – Patrick takes on world news and politics, and digging into the issue of torture in the wake of the Senate Intelligence Committee's 'Torture' Report and taking America's apologists to task. In the second hour we look at America's 'racial crisis' again, as thousands converged on Washington DC this week demanding,'No Justice, and No Peace'. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 7 December 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE, with host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE, covering the week's top stories from the US, Europe and beyond. In the first hour – Patrick takes on world news including the 'Russian Issue' and Washington's latest failed hostage rescue attempt in Yemen, and new American 'Racial Crisis' and discussion on police in the wake of the Eric Garner and Michael Brown rulings - what happened and what it all means. Later in the third hour, we’re joined by special guest and 21WIRE Contributor, Basil Valentine, with the top European and global scandals and key stories. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 30 November 2014
This week's edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE, as host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE covers the week’s top stories from the US, Europe and beyond. In the first hour – Patrick scans through world news before zeroing in on the 'Ferguson Verdict' and subsequent riots – what happened and what it means. We're then joined by special guest, author and cultural commentator, E.T. Williams, aka The Doctor of Common Sense to discuss the Ferguson case, the protests, President Obama and the issue of race in America. In the third hour we are joined by 21WIRE Contributor, Basil Valentine, to talk about the European perspective regarding race, political correctness and identity politics. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 23 November 2014
This week's edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE as host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE covers the week's top stories from the US, Europe and beyond. In the first hour – Patrick covers breaking ISIS news, the G20 in Australia, the Madness of John McCain, the Israel-Saudi love affair, and the lack of Ebola in the US. In hour two, Patrick hits US news including Obama's Immigration/Amnesty debacle, the Keystone XL pipeline, Al Sharpton's tax bill, Bill Cosby under fire, and Spain's new political crowd-funding sensation. In the third hour we are joined by 21WIRE Contributor, Basil Valentine, going hardcore on Westminster corruption, European 'Zombie politics' and other aspects of Exopolitics. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 16 November 2014
![]() THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE, as this week's host Basil Valentine from 21WIRE covers all the top latest international news,as well as the emerging global 'Leadership Crisis'... In the wake of the US midterms and with a general election in the UK looming, Basil will be asking, "Who will lead us from this unholy mess (or off a cliff)?". Where are the great men and women, the visionaries, real statesmen and the philosopher kings? Why is the world governed by a pathetic collection of toadying sycophants, career politicians and vapid, self serving popinjays? Basil will also welcome his first guest live from Britain, veteran Middle East commentator, Vanessa Beeley, to learn more about the dire situation in Gaza and occupied Palestine, as well as some analysis on ISIS and Islam in the region... In the final hour, Basil will touch base with 21WIRE founder, Patrick Henningsen, live from Southern California to discuss events at the AM/FM Film Festival as well as other world and US news. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 9 November 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE this week as host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE covers the latest from ISIS,Russia and China, as well as world reactions to NATO's rampage during the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. In the first hour - Patrick takes on Ebola, media fear-mongering, and mass mind control. Later in the second hour, Patrick is joined by F.William Engdahl live from Germany to discuss events unfolding in Ukraine, the Berlin Wall anniversary and global geopolitics. In the third hour we discuss the strange relationship between 'Elephants and Donkeys' aka the US midterm elections, political traps being set by the NWO in the 21st century, and more US troops heading to Iraq. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 2 November 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE as this week’s host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE covers the latest from ISIS, and other top stories of the week from around the globe. In the first hour – Patrick takes on the more puzzling aspects of Pandemic USA, with health guru and alternative expert Dr. Leonard Coldwell, with a high level Q&A on Ebola and your health. Later on, Patrick covers John Kerry's apparent U-turn on Assad, Iran and Putin, along with Richard Branson's devastating Virgin Galactic desert crash this week, as well as this week's crucial (yet ultimately useless) US midterm elections. In the third hour we welcome back Dean Ryan from the Ryan Report to discuss more media manipulation, plus all the latest on Political/Hollywood largess, and other conspiracy double-back flips. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 2 November 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcastz LIVE as this week's host Shawn Helton from 21WIRE covers the top stories of the week from around the globe. In the first hour – Shawn tackles the ultimate pandemic de jour, Ebola, the Ottawa shooting attack and other top stories. Then we welcome veteran airline pilot Field McConnell from to discuss the mystery Canadian shooter, the role of Serco in the global conspiracy, Extortion 17 and what really happened to Navy SEALs after the fake bin Laden raid in 2011, and the missing MH370, MH17 planes and the Boeing Uninteruptable Autopilot system. In the third hour we hope to get head pilot at 21WIRE Patrick Henningsen on to discuss media manipulation, as we welcome back Dean Ryan from the Ryan Report to discuss media manipulation, plus all the latest on political/Hollywood largess, and conspiracy gymnastics. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Tue, 21 October 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE this week as host Patrick Henningsen covers the top stories of the week from around the globe. In the first hour - a critical discussion on America's premier pandemic frenzy, Ebola, and other top stories. Then we welcome LA-based researcher and pundit Sharon Schloss from to talk about Bioweapons, Geoengineering and Chemtrails. Afterwards, Patrick invites writer Jay Dyer from Jay's Analysis to review Hollywood’s top biohazard films to discuss the predictive programing and underlying messages. In the third hour Patrick welcomes Dean Ryan from the Ryan Reportfor the future of TV and other news, plus all the latest on political/Hollywood largess, and conspiracy gymnastics. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 12 October 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE this week as host Patrick Henningsen covers the top stories of the week from around the globe. In the first hour, a critical discussion on epidemics and pandemics in the wake of Ebola craze currently engulfing the US and Europe, and joined by Chicago-based news broadcaster Gary Franchi from Next News Network to talk about how the media is covering the bio-crisis. Afterwards Patrick will be discussing a politically correct meltdown from a racial snafu-mix-up at the Chicago Sperm Bank, as well as a review of the new documentary film "The Joe Show", about the twilight career of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. In the third hour Patrick welcomes Dean Ryan from the Ryan Report for breaking Ebola news out of Dallas, Texas, and all the latest on political/Hollywood largess, and conspiracy gymnastics. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Mon, 6 October 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE, as this week’s host Patrick Henningsen covers the top stories of the week from around the globe, as well as monitoring the progress and strange coincidences happening around Ebola into the US and joined by special guest and health guru, Clive de Carle, from Ancient Purity based in the UK. Afterwards Patrick will be discussing how government fake statistics, The Madness of Joe Biden, made-up terrorist brands like ‘The Koresan Group’ and ‘ISIL’, as well as the newly announced 2016 Presidential campaign of Republican filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch. In the third hour our host welcomes Dean Ryan from the Ryan Report for all the last on political/Hollywood largess, all-around filth, excessive behaviour, and what’s wrong with America’s right wing. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Mon, 29 September 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE from the UK, as this week's host Basil Valentine covers the top stories of the week from around the globe including the British PM David Cameron's incredible UN speech where he managed to conflate ISIS/ISIL terrorism with the 9/11 and 7/7 Truth Movements. Basil will be joined by Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE later in the first hour, and in the third hour our host welcomes Dean Ryan from the Ryan Report. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 21 September 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE as host Patrick Henningsen covers the top stories of the week from around the globe including the Scottish Independence vote – what happened, the fall-out, the future, and later joined by guest Derek Nisbet from the Scotcoin Project to talk about freedom in Europe, exciting new crypto currencies and other hot trends spreading around Europe. Later Patrick breaks down the $10 million bounty on ISIS by US Senate, and Washington's defeat in the Ukraine. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 14 September 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE from the UK, as guest host Basil Valentine covers the top stories of the week around the globe including the approaching Scottish Independence vote, and later joined by guests Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE discussing ISIS and the Ukraine, and Dean Ryan to talk about the general decline of western civilization and Hollywood’s seedy celebrity subculture. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 7 September 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE from the UK, as guest host Basil Valentine covers the top stories of the week around the globe, and is joined by guests Stuart Hooper from 21WIRE discussing ISIS and the Ukraine, and Dean Ryan to talk about the hijacking of hip-hop music and culture by the establishment and Hollywood's seedy celebrity subculture. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 31 August 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE from the US, as guest host Patrick Henningsen covers the top stories of the week around the globe — focusing on the new ISIS hysteria which is steaming rolling America. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: acr_sunday_wire_ep_48_patrick.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:38pm CST |
Sun, 24 August 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE from the US, as guest host Shawn Helton covers the top stories of the week around the globe — from ‘Baghdad to Gaza to Ferguson’ — including the Western-NATO-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) pressurized ousting of Iraq’s former Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki. Later, special guest Jason Casella of the People Against The NDAA (P.A.N.D.A.) will join the program to discuss the current state of America’s ‘battlefield’ and what can be done to restore Constitutional Governance. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 17 August 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE from the UK, as guest host Basil Valentine covers world events and asks the big questions, joined by guests. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Mon, 11 August 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE from the UK, as guest host Basil Valentine covers world events and asks the big questions, joined by guests. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Sun, 27 July 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE will be broadcasting LIVE from the Valley of the Sun, as host Patrick Henningsen presents brand new material after compiling an independent investigation of MH17 - one of the seminal events of the 21st century – the airline disaster of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 over Eastern Ukraine, and what he's discovered is shocking. Later on, to discuss US news and other lesser known scandals, we're joined by LA-based commentator Dean Ryan for the Ryan Report, and in the third hour, Basil Valentine returns to the fold for the latest on Europe's identity crisis, bumbling heads of state, and Westminster's elite paedophile playground. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at http:/ and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_Ep_44_MH17.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:58pm CST |
Sun, 20 July 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE will be broadcasting LIVE from the Valley of the Sun, as Patrick returns from the frontline of the immigration protests at Oracle, Arizona, covering US and international news including the recent airline disaster of MH17 over Eastern Ukraine. To comment on the spiraling situation in the Ukraine, we're joined by former diplomat Vladimir Suchan. To discuss Murdoch's merger plans and other scandals, we'll talk to LA-based commentator Dean Ryan for the Ryan Report, and in the third hour we're joined by Britain's favourite son, Basil Valentine for the latest on Westminster's meltdown. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at http:/ and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_Ep_43.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 7:14pm CST |
Mon, 14 July 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE from the Arizona desert in the South Western United States, as Patrick returns from the frontline along the border and covers the latest US and international news. Also we’ll hear first hand about what went down in Murrieta, California, with the DHS human dump-off and the political folly that is the Obama White House. In the second hour we’ll be joined by writer and film analyst Jay Dyer to break down two incredible cultural bombshells - ‘twilight language’ and mass psychological conditioning through TV and film, included in one Hollywood film, The Prestige, inspired partly by Nikola Tesla. In the third hour we’re joined by LA-based commentator Dean Ryan for the first installment of the Ryan Report live from the socialize, hedonistic cultural cesspit known as Hollywood. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at http:/ and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_Ep_42_4.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:39pm CST |
Sat, 12 July 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE will be broadcasting LIVE from the arid South Western United States as Shawn will go over the latest news coming out of Iraq and the continuing ISIS Crisis, in addition to other news. We'll touch on the historical importance of 'Independence Day' in America, as well as recap some of the events that unfolded in Murrieta, California, as patriots successfully blocked the flood of immigrants that were being bused in by the DHS. We will then discuss what we've gleaned about the #BringBackOurMarine rally for jailed USMC SGT Andrew Tahmooerssi. In the second hour we will then be joined by Patrick Henningsen, founder of 21st Century Wire, will chime in from the GMN tour bus discussing both of the border rally’s that he attended over the 4th of July weekend. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at http:/ and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_Ep_41.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 8:35pm CST |
Mon, 30 June 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasting LIVE from the arid South Western United States as Patrick is joined in the first hour by embattled Indian Cattle Rancher Bud May from Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota to discuss the the US federal government's latest land grab there, followed by a live link with the UK to talk with the UK Column editors Mike Robinson and Brian Gerrish about their recent shutdown in response to the British government's latest move to censorship move against their YouTube channel. Patrick also covers the ISIS Crisis and Kurdistan's role in the Iraq meltdown. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world… *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at http:/ and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_Ep_40.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:47am CST |
Mon, 23 June 2014
![]() THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasting LIVE from the arid South Western United States as Patrick reviews the news and last week's trip to the Bundy Ranch in Nevada and the GMN road tour. We'll also be joined in the first hour by Mike Mitcham from Stop Smart Meters to discuss the not-so-smart 'Smart Grid' with all of its invasive new technologies in the home and 'The Internet of Things'. In the final hour we'll catch up to 21WIRE's Basil Valentine to cover some big stories this week from Europe and the Middle East. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at http:/ and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_Ep_39.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:43pm CST |
Mon, 16 June 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE will be broadcasting LIVE from the GMN Mobile Command Center as we roll into Southern California to join a convoy of Harley-Davidson riders to help negotiate the release of a US Marine in a Mexican jail, and confront DHS about the incident. Patrick, Pete Santilli and Ken 'Country' Rhodes gather to discuss yesterday's dramatic events. In hour 2 we'll discuss the latest on the 'Vegas Shooters' story and then be joined by Basil Valentine in the UK to cover the latest US and world news. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at http:/ and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_Live_from_San_Diego_Ep_38.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:34pm CST |
Sun, 8 June 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasting LIVE from the GMN Mobile Command Center on the road along Route 66 in America, covering the latest US and world news, as Patrick, Pete Santilli and Kenny Rhoades meet military veterans and speak to a Congresswoman in New Mexico about the third world healthcare system that is the US Veterans Administration. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at http:/ and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_Live_from_Albuquerque_Ep37.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 7:07pm CST |
Mon, 2 June 2014
![]() THE SUNDAY WIRE will cover the latest US and international news stories from 21st Century Wire, broadcasting LIVE aboard the GMN mobile communications bunker currently stationed at the Bundy Ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada. In the first hour we'll be joined by volunteer Minuteman border patrol expert, 'Little Dog' Robert Crooks for a talk about US borders and our federal government, and in the second and third hours we have a number of drop in guests from Bundy Ranch and a few surprises. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at http:/ and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_Ep_36_At_Bundy_Ranch_NV.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:33pm CST |
Fri, 30 May 2014
GMN's Pete Santilli and 21st Century Wire's Patrick Henningsen expose the realities behind SB1805 and other plans by the U.S. Federal Government to destroy local communities. The BLM, no stranger to armed force and abuses of power on behalf of the U.S. Federal Government has been designated by the Department of Interior to administer 'National Monument' land. Meanwhile, drug walking on borders and economic corruption on Indian reservation land create a divide and rule culture across the nation.
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_The_Pete_Santilli_Show_052014_Bunker.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:58pm CST |
Sun, 25 May 2014
![]() THE SUNDAY WIRE will cover the latest US and international news stories from 21st Century Wire, and in the first hour we'll be joined by international affairs commentator Vladimir Suchan for an update on the tense situation in the Ukraine and Russia, and in the second hour we welcome back James From The Internet for a debrief on Saturday's March Against Monsanto in NYC where James was providing coverage to GMN via live stream to discuss the event, the checkered history of GMO seed and chemical giant Monsanto and also discuss the battle to preserve Net Neutrality and Internet 2.0. In the third hour, Basil Valentine will weigh in with more cutting commentary on Royals losing the plot and the establishment's obsession with painting any enemy of western corporate policy as 'the next Hitler'. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_35.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:43pm CST |
Mon, 19 May 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE will cover the latest in the Boko Haram propaganda, the hashtag debacle by Michelle Obama that has sparked a viral anti-drone campaign as well as other top news. We will then be joined by private investigator Tom Grant, who has pushed for reopening the Kurt Cobain case, after suspecting foulplay based on forensic evidence surrounding Cobain's death. He will discuss new developments in the case following the recent 20 year anniversary of the fallen star. In the second hour, Basil Valentine will join Shawn for cutting commentary on the geopolitical scene, and in the third hour we hope to be joined by 21st Century Wire Founder, Patrick Henningsen to discuss highlights of the AV5 conference as well as perspective on his presentation at this year's event called "Bending Reality." Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Shawn_Helton_Ep_34.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 1:50pm CST |
Wed, 14 May 2014
![]() GMN's Pete Santilli and 21st Century Wire's Patrick Henningsen expose the White House and US State Department's corporate energy agenda in Ukraine. The men and women of Washington DC see absolutely no problem with filling their family pockets and trust funds on US taxpayer time.
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_The_Pete_Santilli_Show_051414_Bunker.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 10:34pm CST |
Mon, 12 May 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE will cover some extremely hot news stories and issue emerging this week including the Boko Haram phenomenon in Nigeria, as we are joined in the first hour with writer and Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar to discuss the disturbing developments in Eastern Ukraine and what to expect in Syria this summer. In the second hour we'll talk with UK Column editor Brian Gerrish and look inside the rise of 'Third Sector' NLP-driven social subterfuge and the rise of political correctness through the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism in America and the EU, and in the third hour we’ll be joined by Basil Valentine with a deep discussion Syria and the nonexistent Israeli 'peace process'. *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_33.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:29pm CST |
Sun, 4 May 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE will cover some extremely hot news stories and issue emerging this week, as we are joined in the first hour with writer and international relations scholar, Mark Hackard in a live link from San Francisco, to discuss the deteriorating global rift set in motion by recent events in Eastern Ukraine as NATO proxies provoking a World War with Russia as a catalyst, GLADIO ‘reloaded’ and the reality behind Washington's "Russian Threat", and what we can expect going forward. In the second hour we'll court liberal controversy as we discuss the recent stance of Princeton student Tal Fortgang and look inside America's new "Check Your Privilege" sociopathy spawned via the 'Social Justice Movement' to discover its ideological roots and where it plans to take society, as well as further inquiry into political correctness and Cultural Marxism in America and the EU, and in the third hour we'll be joined by Basil Valentine with all the UK, European and World latest. *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_32.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:51pm CST |
Sun, 27 April 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the hottest news stories of the week, including an update on the Bundy Ranch situation and other breaking news. In the first hour we are joined by a very special guest to deliver the best analysis of the what really going on in the Ukraine from former diplomat and professor of international relations, Vladimir Suchan, to discuss the spin-off crisis in Eastern Ukraine with the US and NATO baiting a World War with Russia, the reality behind Washington's "Russian Threat", and what we can expect going forward. In the second hour we'll discuss the recent Bundy Race Hoax and how it realties to political correctness and cultural marxism in America, and in the third hour we'll be joined by Basil Valentine with all the UK and European latest and US gov't backdoor attempt to end free speech currently protected by Net Neutrality. *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_31_FINAL.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:31pm CST |
Mon, 21 April 2014
This week’s special edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the hottest news stories of the week, including an update on the Bundy Ranch crisis as Harry Reid ups the ante by claiming thousands of law-abiding Americans are ‘domestic terrorists’. In the first hour we are joined by independent news reporter and researcher Dan Bidondi from The Truth Radio Show for a retrospective look at last year’s Boston Marathon Bombing and exposing false flags going forward. In the second hour we will pay homage to the memory of activist and researcher John Judge who passed away this week and revisit his works and legacy. In the final hour we’ll cover Obama’s ill-conceived adventure into the Ukraine and the Dr. Strangelove rhetoric that seems to be back in fashion in Washington regarding ‘the Russian threat’. *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world… The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_30.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:05am CST |
Wed, 16 April 2014
![]() Mike Adams of Natural News along with Patrick Henningsen discuss recent evidence of the BLM's abuse of animals on Bundy Ranch, and a US Federal government out of control everywhere. Listen to GMN's "The Pete Santilli Show" LIVE each weekday at 10am PST (1pm EST) at
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Special_Mike_Adams_Patrick_Henningsen_BLM.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 10:41pm CST |
Mon, 14 April 2014
![]() THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the hottest news stories of the week, most notably the incredible story of the Federal standoff at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada, and we'll be joined by Ian R. Crane to look at the mineral and fracking side of the Gold Butte battle in Nevada. In the final hour we speak to GMN's Susannah Cole and a live link with Pete Santilli for the latest from Bunkerville, NV. *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_29_Final.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 8:47pm CST |
Fri, 11 April 2014
Pete Santilli shuts down the BLM's 'Free Speech Zone' in Bunkerville, Nevada and explains why it's wrong. Listen to "The Pete Santilli Show" LIVE each weekday at 10am PST (1pm EST) at
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Pete_Santilli_Ep_677-Bundy-Ranch-Hour-2.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:57pm CST |
Sun, 6 April 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the hottest news stories of the week including the latest on the magical missing plane, Flight MH370, Washington's new Russiaphobia, Syria 2.0 coming this this summer, and the 'NSA crisis' deception. Also, we'll discuss the recent forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich under pressure from the LGBT lobby as well as how Political Correctness is destroying tolerance in modern society and reveal its roots in 'Cultural Marxism'. We also will break down in detail President Obama's recent 'New World Order' address in Brussels, followed by a tribute to comedian Richard Pryor. In the final hour we'll visit with Basil Valentine to review his recent American tour. *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_28.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:16pm CST |
Thu, 3 April 2014
We are joined by very special guest former US Marine, pilot and aviation expert Field McConnell to discuss what really happened to the missing Malaysian Flight MH370 and its connection to 9/11 and reveal the secrets behind remote control technologies used on the Boeing 777. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world… The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_27_FieldMcConnell.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:28pm CST |
Sun, 30 March 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the hottest news stories of the week including Obama's recharged KONY 2014, Turkey's False Flag plot exposed and NATO's plans for Syria this summer. Later we are joined by very special guest former US Marine, pilot and aviation expert Field McConnell to discuss what really happened to the missing Malaysian Flight MH370 and its connection to 9/11 and reveal the secrets behind remote control technologies used on the Boeing 777. In the final hour we’ll visit Basil Valentine in the final leg of his US tour, leaving Las Vegas, for the sunny shores of California – in his search for the true heart and soul of America. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_27_Final.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:03pm CST |
Sun, 23 March 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the hottest news stories of the week including a breakdown of the propaganda spin cycle in overdrive regarding the Ukraine and Crimea, and a closer look into the resignation of ex-RT news reader Liz Wahl. Later we are joined by joined by very special guest and 21WIRE writer, Shawn Helton, to uncover the latest in the missing Malaysian Airliner, and also discuss some new evidence in the death of actress and possible whistleblower Brittany Murphy and new evidence surrounding the death of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. Next, we go on the street in London to spend time with the people who gatecrashed Parliament’s annual ritual known as 'Budget Day' to hear from advocates for a return to sound money, namely the campaign to Bring Back the Bradbury (Pound)" – and what it will take to bring the Tory's Minister of Spending, George Osbourne and the Bank of England – all to book. In the final hour we’ll visit Basil Valentine in the third leg of his US tour – in his bid to find the heart and soul of America. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_26.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 6:17pm CST |
Mon, 17 March 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the top news stories of the week focusing on what’s behind the war-hype in the Ukraine and Crimea. We’ll be first joined by very special guest and author, F. William Engdahl, to uncover the latest set of lies coming out of Washington and London to spearhead the stand-off with Russia, and after that we will be rejoined by UK Column editor, Brian Gerrish live to talk about the breakdown of confidence in British government and next week's economic challenge he's putting to George Osbourne and the Bank of England. In the final hour we'll visit Basil Valentine as he rounds out his tour of the southern United States with observations on the Bible Belt, New Orleans and the strange eating and drinking habits of Cajuns – and the case of the missing Malaysian Airliner. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_25.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:51pm CST |
Sun, 9 March 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the top news stories of the week including intense coverage of the crisis in the Ukraine and the latest semi-autonomous region of the Crimea plus the west's war propaganda agenda towards Russia. We'll also comment on the Barton Moss anti-Fracking frontline in England, then we'll be first joined by a very special guest, Pippa King, to uncover the creeping dark technocratic agenda of Biometric tracking systems and RFID chips being implemented in UK and US schools. In the final hour we will be rejoined by Basil Valentine live from his US tour to talk about Obama vs Putin, and Britain’s pedophile problem and the new FBI-style 'NCA' secret police force. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_24.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:42pm CST |
Mon, 3 March 2014
![]() THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the top news stories of the week, then first joined by a very special guest, 21WIRE associate editor Shawn Helton, to uncover the mysterious clues tied to the two dead Navy SEALs aboard 'Captain Phillips' maritime ship, followed by a longer discussion with American author and researcher Dean Henderson for a look at the CIA created Afghan-heroin trade and developments in the Ukraine, and rejoined by Basil Valentine with some new information about Russia, Crimea and the Ukraine, and how it's being spun in the western media. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_23.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 9:17pm CST |
Tue, 25 February 2014
This week THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the top news stories of the week, then first joined by a very special guest, noted researcher, public speaker and energy expert, Ian R. Crane, for a hard look at the hydraulic fracturing, 'Fracking' shale gas menace currently overtaking residential areas in Britain and the world, and rejoined by Basil Valentine about the real devastation of Fracking in the UK, some new information about the west's staged coup-de-tat in the Ukraine, and shocking latest new revelations related to the monster Jimmy Savile. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_22.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:20am CST |
Mon, 24 February 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE covers the top news stories of the week, and then joined by a very special guest and 21st Century Wire contributor Robert Singer for a deeper, esoteric look at the Sandy Hook event. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_21.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 10:58pm CST |
Sat, 22 February 2014
![]() THE SUNDAY WIRE first covers the top news stories of the week including the latest domestic terror 'sniper attack' in Northern California, Professional Sports match fixing and corruption, later joined by a very special guest – a true 'VIP', Britain's pontiff of pain and sacrifice, UK Supreme Chancellor of Unemployment, 'Liam Duncan-Smith', to hear the coalition government’s side of the story and a chance for us to learn more properly the virtues of austerity. In the second hour, an extended discussion with 21WIRE special contributor, Basil Valentine, to expose the hypocrisy of democracy in the 21st century, the joys of austerity, the new drive to lower the voting age to 16 and plans for a new Chinese-style plutocracy in a Brave New Europe... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_20.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 6:05pm CST |
Sat, 22 February 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE first talks with journalist and author of note, Gerrard Williams, whose recent controversial book and film, Grey Wolf, unearths evidence that Adolph Hitler and thousands of other high-ranking Nazis fled to Argentina after the fall of Berlin along with billions in corporate wealth which formed the roots of the fascist transnational system we know today. After that, we are joined by writer James Hall from BATR Forum to investigate the TPP (Transpacific Partnership), corporate fascism in today’s America and open also the lid on of the military industrial boom in drones and what that means for the future of society – all guaranteed to stimulate your mind as we roll into 2014... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_19.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:44pm CST |
Sat, 22 February 2014
![]() The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen collides with the annual globalist junket in Davos – with a powerful show line-up, exploring new and profitable 'Colour Revolution Business' and the very latest from Ukraine as explained our first guest, a geopolitical author of note, F. William Engdahl. Next, we are joined by the writing and research duo, Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton of Truthstream Media, to open the lid on global Eugenics and other dark social engineering programs being run out of the UN and its globalist foundations. In the third hour we are talk with 21WIRE writer and researcher, Shawn Helton to discuss 'Operation American Spring', followed by regular contributor to the Sunday Wire, Basil Valentine for a look at the recent Hitler photo out of Brazil – all guaranteed to stimulate your mind as we roll into 2014... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_18.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:26pm CST |
Sat, 22 February 2014
The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen returns getting into the swing of 2014, as we revisit one of the biggest, biggest reemerging subjects the 21st century – Cults: what they are and how to recognise them. Our first guest will be American poet, rapper and artist, Russell Jordan aka The Prime Artist to discuss the music industry and cults within entertainment. Next, artist and writer, Thomas Sheridan joins the show to talk about the most bizarre aspects of the modern cult. Lastly, we join cult expert and regular contributor to the Sunday Wire, Basil Valentine for an A-Z guide to 20th and 21st century cults from Jonestown to Scientology and others, and political fanaticism as a cult – all guaranteed to stimulate your mind into the new year… The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_17.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:15pm CST |
Sat, 22 February 2014
The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen gets into the swing of 2014 as we revisit one of the biggest, deepest scandals of the 20th century – the BCCI Affair, which revealed how global corruption was being funneled through one dirty bank as chronicled by author Dean Henderson. Next we look into the biggest battleground facing humanity in the 21st century – our health, with well-being expert Clive de Carle to discuss how to transform your health and eliminate toxins and heavy metal as well as radiation present in your local environment. For the final segment we are joined by Basil Valentine to run through new Hitler rumours, and other various cults, avatars and fanatics, as well as the wildest and most shocking news this week – all guaranteed to stimulate your mind into the new year... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_16.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:24am CST |
Tue, 18 February 2014
The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen returns from the Christmas break to discuss what happened in 2013 and take a look at what will be revealed in 2014. Patrick will be joined by writer and researcher Robert Singer to talk about his incredible investigation into the Chris Dorner event and how it relates to both Sandy Hook and Boston, followed by American researcher and author Gary Bobroff to discuss his ground-breaking discoveries regarding crop circle phenomenon, and finally a live discussion on 2014 predictions with Basil Valentine – all guaranteed to stimulate your mind into the New Year... The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_w_Patrick_Henningsen_Ep_15.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:08am CST |