Sun, 7 July 2019
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covers some of the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. The US-led Axis seems more intent than ever to try to provoke Iran into conflict, as Washington ordered Britain to seize an Iranian oil tanker off the coast of Gibraltar. It was carrying 2 million barrels of oil destined for sanctions-starved Syria. Iran also announced this morning it will resume uranium enrichment after the European partners from the P5+1 JCPOA Nuclear Agreement failed to compensate Iran for losses after Washington pulled out of the agreement and piled more sanctions on Tehran. This week, we’ll talk to one the region’s leading analysts, Dr Mohammad Marandi from Tehran. We’ll discuss how close the US, Israel and Iran are to war now, and what has to happen to achieve peace and balance in the Middle East and beyond. All this and much more. Enjoy the show… DOWNLOAD BRAVE BROWSER: HELP US TO KEEP DOING WHAT WE DO: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_287_not_so_silent_wars_with_guest_dr_mohammad_marandi.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:14am CST |