21st Century Wire's Podcast

Meet the UK and NATO’s new and upgraded “disinformation factory”, an expansive clandestine network of mainstream, journalists, NGOs, and ‘activists’ – all working in concert to attack and drown out alternative opinions and narratives which go against the US, UK and NATO’s strategic agenda.

This week 21WIRE’s editor Patrick Henningsen spoke with host George Galloway, on #MOATS The Mother of All Talkshows, broadcasting worldwide on Sputnik Radio, about the latest iteration of the UK Foreign Office propaganda project, the infamous Integrity Initiative, which has been re-organised and given a PR facelift, now called the Open Information Partnership (OIP), and with a further £10 million in-hand, they’re poised to spread even more disinformation.

The Mother of All Talk Shows:
SUNDAYS | 7-10 PM UK Time | CALL GEORGE +44 207 798 2255 | Skype GGMOATS

This segment was clipped from the July 7, 2019 live broadcast:

Direct download: MOATS-GG-PH-FULL-7JUL2019.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:25pm CST

On Episode #287 of the SUNDAY WIRE we spoke with leading geopolitical analyst, Dr Mohammad Marandi, from Tehran, to learn more about how dangerously close the US, Israel and Iran are to war and why. More than ever, the US-led axis seems eager to provoke Iran in order to trigger and escalations in tension and possibly conflict. Iran also recently announced it will resume uranium enrichment after the European partners from the P5+1 JCPOA Nuclear Agreement failed to compensate Iran for losses suffered after Washington pulled out of the agreement and piled additional punitive economic sanctions on Tehran. What role are Saudi Arabia and Israel playing in driving US policy? All this and more.

Listen to the SUNDAY WIRE radio show live each week at www.21stCenturyWire.com, and access the full show archives here:

Direct download: X3xGyTJssjHo.128.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:55pm CST