Sun, 28 December 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE this week with host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE, looking back at all the year's top stories from the US, and internationally. In the first hour Patrick welcomes correspondent, Dean Ryan who's celebrating Christmas Down Under, and in the second hour we look back at 2014 with 21WIRE’s Shawn Helton. We also look back at last Xmas and our bizarre encounter on air with Kris Kringle, and later at the end of the episode, we’ll do a poetry reading and moving tribute to the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and discover his message to future generations. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: acr_sunday_wire_christmas_special.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:07pm CST |
Sun, 21 December 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE with host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE covering the week's top stories from the US, Europe and beyond including the 'Sydney Siege'. In the first hour – Patrick covers SONY's false flag hack and The Interview film controversy, North Korea's fictional threat and Clooney and Obama's fatal gaffes. We're then joined by our first guest, producer Tim Fox, animator and creator of 'Conrad the Constitution' from Fox Bros Studios in LA to talk about the Sony controversy and his own personal experience with state censorship in the US. In the second hour we'll cover America's ongoing police violence and race crisis and cover the breaking #ICantBreathe revenge shooting of two NYPD police yesterday by a militant black activist in Brooklyn, and what the political fall out will be for Mayor De Blasio, Obama, Eric Holder and Al Sharpton. In the third hour, we're joined by former US Marine, journalist and peace activist, Ken O’Keefe, to discuss his experience surviving the Israel siege of the Gaza Aid Flotilla in 2010, the use of EIT's or 'torture' by the US, and his role in the Hawaiian Independence Movement. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 14 December 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasta LIVE, with host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE, covering the week's top stories from the US, Europe and beyond. In the first hour – Patrick takes on world news and politics, and digging into the issue of torture in the wake of the Senate Intelligence Committee's 'Torture' Report and taking America's apologists to task. In the second hour we look at America's 'racial crisis' again, as thousands converged on Washington DC this week demanding,'No Justice, and No Peace'. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |
Sun, 7 December 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE, with host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE, covering the week's top stories from the US, Europe and beyond. In the first hour – Patrick takes on world news including the 'Russian Issue' and Washington's latest failed hostage rescue attempt in Yemen, and new American 'Racial Crisis' and discussion on police in the wake of the Eric Garner and Michael Brown rulings - what happened and what it all means. Later in the third hour, we’re joined by special guest and 21WIRE Contributor, Basil Valentine, with the top European and global scandals and key stories. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and |