Sun, 28 November 2021
NOTE: Our main Twitter account for Patrick Henningsen @21WIRE has been permanently de-platformed by Twitter’s censorship department – please follow our alternative account @21stCenturyWire This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR, as host Patrick Henningsen covers the the top stories internationally. In the first hour we’ll connect with guest and best-selling author Dr Vernon Coleman, to discuss the latest Vaudeville episode in the ‘global pandemic’ narrative, as the globalists unveil the latest ‘variant of concern’ designed to keep the planet in lockdown and pave the way for their Great Reset technocracy agenda. Later, in the final segment of overdrive, we’ll be joined by a special guest, comedian and actor Phil Zimmerman, for a look at the mad world that’s still unfolding around us. All this and much more. Show links: GET YOUR COPY OF NEW DAWN MAGAZINE'S NOV-DEC ISSUE: GET 'LUV'IN THE OLD NORMAL' T-SHIRTS HERE: JOIN OUR TELEGRAM CHANNEL HERE: SUPPORT OUR MEDIA PLATFORM HERE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Sat, 27 November 2021
This is a special cut of the audio version of Patrick Henningsen’s virtual talk last week at The Awakening Conference, broadcast live on Brand New Tube from Totnes in South Devon, England. In this 22 minute clip to close out his presentation, Patrick summarizes his list of the ‘Baker’s Dozen’ – a rundown of the fundamental problems with the ‘global pandemic’ narrative as he sees it and supported by facts. 21WIRE.TV Members can watch this special cut here: |