Sun, 15 January 2017
THE SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE connecting North America and Europe this week, as host Patrick Henningsen covers the top stories in the US and internationally. In the first hour, we’ll look at the recent US Senate Confirmation Hearings for Trump’s Cabinet, and the latest debacle courtesy of the great US intelligence community and the mainstream gutter press who circulated a fake tabloid “intelligence” report on Russian blackmail material on Trump. We also welcome our first guest, William Blum, author of a number of best-selling books including Rogue State, to discuss his work and its relevance today as well as how it relates to the current climate of Anti-Russian and Anti-Trump hysteria in the US. In the second hour we’re joined by 21WIRE Associate Editor Vanessa Beeley to discuss key updates on Syria, Facebook’s recent censorship of her Syria videos and being trolled by the BBC, and a seemingly fake news report about a Russian Ambassador being assassinated in Yemen. In the final segment of overdrive, we’ll try and connect with SUNDAY WIRE bookmaker, Basil Valentine, to get some unusual odds on next week’s Trump inauguration. MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE HERE Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *NOTE: THIS EPISODE MAY CONTAIN STRONG LANGUAGE AND MATURE THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at and
Direct download: sunday_wire_ep_169_going_rogue_with_guest_william_blum_vanessa_beeley_2.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:03pm CST |