Mon, 16 June 2014
THE SUNDAY WIRE will be broadcasting LIVE from the GMN Mobile Command Center as we roll into Southern California to join a convoy of Harley-Davidson riders to help negotiate the release of a US Marine in a Mexican jail, and confront DHS about the incident. Patrick, Pete Santilli and Ken 'Country' Rhodes gather to discuss yesterday's dramatic events. In hour 2 we'll discuss the latest on the 'Vegas Shooters' story and then be joined by Basil Valentine in the UK to cover the latest US and world news. Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield - this is your brave new world... *WARNING THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES* The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Guerilla Media Network SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at http:/ and
Direct download: Guerilla_Media_Network_Sunday_Wire_Live_from_San_Diego_Ep_38.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:34pm CST |