Thu, 31 December 2020
Few will argue that 2020 has been a tumultuous year for most people, caught in the spiral of a contrived global pandemic and a globalist agenda coming out of the WHO, Davos and Silicon Valley. Indeed, during 2020 change was the norm, but normality was illusive. Many have reflected on what has been lost. But maybe the focus should be on what may never return? Host Peter Lavelle is CrossTalking with guests Patrick Henningsen and John Laughland… Watch this podcast: For more news, views and analysis go to: PLEASE SUPPORT OUR INDY MEDIA ORG:
Direct download: CrossTalk_-_Quarantine_Edition_-_2020_YEAR_IN_REVIEW.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 9:34am CST |
Thu, 31 December 2020
Our new midweek show 21WIRE LIVE is hosted Patrick Henningsen. This week he will be speaking to global affair analyst Peter Ford, former British Ambassador to Syria (2003-2006) and Bahrain (1999-2002). As the 10 year Anniversary of the Arab Spring approaches, we’ll discuss the real legacy of the last decade, as well as how the region will react to an incoming Biden Administration and whether any novel US policies will emerge, particularly in relation to the Gulf States, Syria, Iraq and of course Iran. All this and much more. Watch this podcast: Visit Ford's archive: For more news, views and analysis go to: PLEASE SUPPORT OUR INDY MEDIA ORG:
Direct download: 21WL_EP2_with_Peter_Ford_31_12_2020_00.29.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 9:00am CST |
Sun, 27 December 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR this week with host Patrick Henningsen, covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. As Christmas passes, and New Year’s Eve approaches, we take a brief look back in 2020 and discuss what it means, and what we can expect lying ahead in 2021. By now, there should be little doubt that we live in an age of great deception, but be under no illusion – one thing should be crystal clear: governments and the technocrats who have seized control of them are very determined to further implode the economy, compartmentalize society and take away liberties. Hence, cognitive dissonance is not an option. People may no longer be able to take their rights for granted, and will now have to take responsibility for their health, as well as the information they are taking in, and sharing. Now more than ever. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… PLEASE HELP SUPPORT OUR WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Tue, 22 December 2020
Our special Holiday edit of the Sunday Wire Show, from Episode #354, with host Patrick Henningsen. We take these 'pandemic' peddlers to task who've not only been attacking Santa Claus and using kids to do it, but also ruining our Holidays & Christmas with their sick and twisted lockdown policies. If you're into canceling, then check this list out:
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from 21st Century Wire. PLEASE HELP SUPPORT OUR WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at:
Direct download: sw354-edit-dont-cx-xmas-cx-these-clowns.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:14pm CST |
Sun, 20 December 2020
![]() This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR this week with host Patrick Henningsen, covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. As Christmas and New Year’s draws ever nearer, Governments and their Media mavens have decided to escalate their divisive war on the Holiday Season and the minds of the general public. In the US, Dr Fauci has taken to TV to assure children that they’ll be safe because he vaccinated Santa Claus. In the UK, government ministers continue to send mixed signals about the alleged ‘pandemic’ – keeping the people in a continuous state of unease and uncertainty, and all the while scapegoating all of the devastation, pandemonium and policy failures on ‘the virus’. This strategy appears to be a deliberate. Then suddenly, just like that, and without any real scientific evidence, the Mainstream Media have decided this supposed ‘new mutant strain‘ of COVID is somehow “more transmissible” – prompting governments to react by… shutting European borders. With this new level of insanity, it seems clearer than ever that absolute power has corrupted political leaders absolutely. Where is the love and Christmas cheer? Rest assured, we’ll give some out in the first hour, and also connect with Hesher, host of ACR’s Boiler Room, to get a Xmas update from the USA. In the final hour, we’ll connect with our Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, for more intrigue and outlandish media bombshells this week. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… PLEASE HELP SUPPORT OUR WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Sat, 19 December 2020
In this inaugural episode of our new livestream program 21WIRE LIVE, host Patrick Henningsen welcomes guest Brian Berletic, formerly known under his nom de plume as "Tony Cartalucci", editor of the legendary blog Land Destroyer. In this interview Brian explains his mission as a journalist, and we go on the discuss the range of geopolitical hot spots and issues including the role NGO and 'human rights' organizations active in US-led subterfuge during the Arab Spring and also in Southeast Asia, specifically Thailand and Hong Kong, as well as a conversation about the pro's and con's of different forms of government around the world. Watch EP #1 on YouTube: Land Destroyer blog: Brian's Patreon: For more news, views and analysis go to: PLEASE SUPPORT OUR INDY MEDIA ORG: |
Sun, 13 December 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR this week with host Patrick Henningsen, covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. As Government become more intoxicated with their newfound pandemic superpowers of social and economic control, rather than pause and pull back, many seem to be doubling down their own abject policy failures – which means the plebs are becoming more restless. 2021 will likely see an explosion in protests, but will the numbers and the impact be enough to pushback the current trend towards totalitarianism? Do millennials really care about inalienable rights, republics and democracy, or are we heading into Brzezinski’s banal and dystopic ‘Technetronic Revolution‘ era ? Is western society heading towards evolution, or revolution? In the first hour, we’ll be joined by investigative researcher Freddie Ponton from La French ConAction to discuss what happened to the Yellow Vest (Gilet Jaunes) protest movement in France and how this is transitioning into anti Lockdown/anti Authoritarian movements in Europe, and where the arch of dissent may be heading in Europe and beyond. In the final hour, we’ll connect with our Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, for more intrigue and outlandish media bombshells this week. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… Show Links: PLEASE HELP SUPPORT OUR WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Sun, 6 December 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR this week with host Patrick Henningsen, covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. Now more than ever, the both the political and media establishments are pushing the COVID-19 as the ‘path to freedom’ – freedom from government-imposed lockdowns, school shutdowns, restricted travel and so on. But are they correct? We’re told this is a consensus, but is it? Never before in history has there been so much talk of mandatory vaccinations, and all for a seasonal respiratory virus with at least a 99.7% survival rate of those who have actually fallen ill from it. Should we continue to put our faith and lives in the hands of men on TV in white doctors coats, or multi billionaire computer nerds with an unusual global savior complex? In the final hour, we’ll connect with our Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, for his take on this week’s biggest stories at home and away. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… PLEASE HELP SUPPORT OUR WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Mon, 30 November 2020
The foreign policy team of a potential Biden Administration is being touted by the liberal media. We tell you why all of us should be horrified. From a foreign policy perspective, does looking backward really bode well for the future? Also, there is a lot of talk of a Great Reset and ‘Build Back Better’. All this and more. CrossTalking with host Peter Lavelle are guests Patrick Henningsen and Dmitry Babich. Watch this podcast here:
Direct download: CrossTalk_Bullhorns_-_Quarantine_Edition_-_Build_Back_Worse-.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:30pm CST |
Sun, 29 November 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR this week with host Patrick Henningsen, covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. All cards are on the table now with Joe Biden, Boris Johnson and Justin Trudeau’s WEF-led #BuildBackBetter global Great Reset agenda – an agenda which the people in North America and Europe never got to vote on, as it’s being quietly ushered in the back door under the cover of COVID19. Can Trump turn it around at the 11th hour, or will his Populist project be sidelined? Major moves are afoot again in the Middle East, and in the first hour we’ll connect with special guest, journalist and international TV presenter Marwa Osman from Beirut, Lebanon, to discuss the latest assassination of leading Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and what to except going forward. Was this a provocation by Israel to bait Iran to escalate and try and drag the US into a quagmire during Washington’s unstable election transition? All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… PLEASE HELP SUPPORT OUR WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Sun, 22 November 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR this week with host Patrick Henningsen, covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. It’s becoming more clear by the day that Democrat Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda is a fast-track to the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s “Great Reset” agenda, but this is being backed out by the corporate mainstream media. Does a Trump Presidency and his election fraud challenge stand in opposition to this? In first hour we’ll connect with a very special guest Cory Morningstar, editor of The Wrong Kind of Green, to discuss the current global power grab going on under the guise of COVID-19, steered by the unelected oligarch’s confab in the WEF, whose agenda has already infiltrated government policy in US, Canada, UK and Europe. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… Biden’s Great Reset: ‘Get Ready for the Fight of Your Life’: Cory Morningstar's Twitter: Cory Morningstar's Website: VISIT OUR 2020 ELECTION EDGE LIVE BLOG: SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Sat, 21 November 2020
In EP 349 of the Sunday Wire co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Basil Valentine talk with former US Congressional candidate from Florida, Tim Canova, about his first-hand experience with election fraud in the US, as well as some of the financial and corporate forces behind the scenes which are driving many of these corrupt practices, evident right through the recent 2020 Presidential Election. No doubt about it: voter fraud and election fraud are a very real and widespread problem in the America. STAY IN THE LOOP AT OUR #ElectionEdge LIVE Blog for real-time updates: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on the Alternate Current Radio SUNDAYS 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Sun, 15 November 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with this week’s co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Basil Valentine covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. As the media continues to declare Joe Biden as “President Elect”, President Trump fights on with multiple legal challenges of election fraud, as Democrats shriek of a “coup” and that Trump is spoiling the much vaunted “peaceful transition of power” in the United States. In first hour we’ll connect with special guest Tim Canova former US Congressional candidate from Florida, to discuss the very real issue of election fraud, and why the establishment tried to bury his story just as it’s doing now with the 2020 Election. Can we ever trust our elections again? All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… VISIT OUR 2020 ELECTION EDGE LIVE BLOG: SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Wed, 11 November 2020
In EP 348 of the SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen talks with special guest, Mark Crispin Miller, Professor at NYU and author of "Fooled Again", about the problem of election fraud in America, past and present, and how the country has arrived at the current impasse between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Can this controversy be resolved, or will it be consigned to the dustbin of political scandals? See more of Mark's work at: Amazon: "Fooled Again: Real Case for Election Reform" STAY IN THE LOOP AT OUR #ElectionEdge LIVE Blog for real-time updates: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on the Alternate Current Radio SUNDAYS 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at:
Direct download: INTERVIEW-_Mark_Crispin_Miller_on_US_Election_Theft.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 1:23pm CST |
Sun, 8 November 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with this week’s co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Basil Valentine covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. Despite proclamations by the media, the dust has not yet settled from the US 2020 Presidential Election with the GOP incumbent Trump refusing to conceded to the Democrat Joe Biden, with Trump pursing election and voter fraud cases in the courts, and Biden already doing his victory laps. In hour two we’ll connect with special guest Mark Crispin Miller to discuss what just happened, whether Trump has a legal route to a remedy, and also how this current debacle compares with Bush vs Gore in 2000, and what it means going forward for US politics. Can we ever trust our elections again? All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… WATCH ELECTION EDGE: VISIT OUR 2020 ELECTION EDGE LIVE BLOG: SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at:
Direct download: 2020_11_08_one_country_two_presidents.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:51pm CST |
Tue, 3 November 2020
#ElectionEdge 6: The big day is here, and with any luck we'll have a result in the next 24 hours, or not! So many different agendas in play now, and pundits are asking: will Biden be able to hold his presumptive lead he enjoyed throughout the summer and fall in the national mainstream polls, or will be flounder and fizzle like Hillary did. If Biden loses, will the Democrats find another scapegoat to blame their loss and delegitimize the election results? Host Patrick Henningsen delves into these and other election tips and trends, and also looks at the betting markets to see where the money is going on this race, and also asks whether Obama's great efforts to rescued Biden will yielded the intended results? All this and more. Watch this Election Edge Report Here: STAY IN THE LOOP AT OUR #ElectionEdge LIVE Blog at @21WIRE for real-time updates: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET:
Direct download: ElectionEdge_6-_America_Heads_to_Polls_Last_Minute_Tips__Trends.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 7:14am CST |
Sun, 1 November 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. The 2020 Election is now just days away – and it seems to be a dead heat, with Trump in the ascendancy now, defying all the mainstream pollsters once again. Will it be 2016 Redux, with another post-election scapegoat from the losing party? Things are about to get really wild and chaotic, we’ll explain the why, how, and also the who too. We connected with Hesher from ACR to trade notes on the election craziness and the new Michael Bay film Songbird. Also, Basil Valentine weighs in for a few last minute odds and betting tips. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… WATCH ELECTION EDGE: VISIT OUR 2020 ELECTION EDGE LIVE BLOG: SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Sat, 31 October 2020
#ElectionEdge 5: With just three days to go, America is gearing up for the ultimate grudge match – even before the election has taken place, Democrats and the MSM are already signalling their plans to contest election results in key battleground states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina and others. Host Patrick Henningsen also talks with US election specialist and political gambler Robert Barnes, about the chronic unreliability of mainstream polls, and also what a Democrat-led lawfare coup attempt might look like post November 3rd, with plans already in place to potentially drag out election results well into December. We also look at the ‘Salsa bounce’ in new latino voters for the GOP, and we’ll compare the contrast the optics between the Biden campaign (‘Pandemic Joe’) and President Trump’s flamboyant re-election campaign. All this and more. Watch this Election Edge Report Here: STAY IN THE LOOP AT OUR #ElectionEdge LIVE Blog at @21WIRE for real-time updates: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET:
Direct download: ElectionEdge_5-_-Why_Trump_is_Defying_the_Pollsters-_guest_Robert_Barnes.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:58pm CST |
Sat, 31 October 2020
#ElectionEdge 4: We’re now heading into the weekend and the mainstream polls continue to diverge with reality on the ground – outlandish numbers are being reported for Biden, but his double digit lead in MSM isn’t reflected in the data. Meanwhile, a number of states are waging court challenges to change election rules to allow late ballots – Democrat activists want to extend voting deadlines because of fear of Coronavirus. Is this just a Democrat ploy to instigate lawfare and post-election chaos? We’ll look at the court cases in battleground states Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Wisconsin and South Carolina. In this episode host Patrick Henningsen also talks with special guest George Szamuely from the Global Policy Institute about what which way events are likely to head on November 3rd and beyond. All this and more. Watch this Election Edge Report Here: STAY IN THE LOOP AT OUR #ElectionEdge LIVE Blog at @21WIRE for real-time updates: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET:
Direct download: ElectionEdge_4-_SCOTUS_Late_Ballot_Lawfare_guest_George_Szamuely.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 8:31am CST |
Fri, 30 October 2020
In EP #346 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW we spoke with special guest George Szamuely, Senior Research Fellow, Global Policy Institute and author of Bombs for Peace: NATO’s Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia, about what to make of this most unusual 2020 US Election and where it rates alongside previous races, as well as breaking down what people need to be looking for in the final week of this historic contest. VISIT OUR 2020 ELECTION EDGE LIVE BLOG: SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at:
Direct download: INTERVIEW-_George_Szamuely_on_a_Most_Unusual_2020_US_Election.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:17pm CST |
Wed, 28 October 2020
There are now a slew of court cases around the issue of ballot submission deadlines and signature verifications. Democrats are pushing for a long delay after election day, while Republicans are not wanting any last minute rule changes and voter extensions under the pretext to COVID and ‘the pandemic’. 21WIRE editor and host Patrick Henningsen looks at some of these legal challenges in key swing states, and also exposes Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg’s own direct role in helping to sow mass-doubt in the election result. Also, we break down the contrast in optics between the Trump and Biden campaigns – and how this is affecting voter preferences on Nov 3rd. Thus far, Trump looks like he’s extended his likely lead this week, surging in some key battleground states. We’ll reveal our latest Electoral College Projections. All this and more. Watch this Election Edge Report Here: STAY IN THE LOOP AT OUR #ElectionEdge LIVE Blog at @21WIRE for real-time updates: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET:
Direct download: ElectionEdge_3-_The_Plan_for_Post-Election_Chaos_Trump_vs_Biden_Optics.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:36pm CST |
Mon, 26 October 2020
We're now one week out from the US 2020 Presidential Election and things are getting interesting. In this #ElectionEdge update, 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen revisits the state of Florida, and looks also at key swing states Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Georgia - many of which seem to be drifting towards a GOP majority on Nov 3rd. Also, we revisit the Hunter Biden email scandal to see how (if) this is really affecting voter preferences, and also the marked 'enthusiasm gap' between the supporters of incumbent Donald Trump and the Democratic challenger Joe Biden. All this and more. STAY IN THE LOOP AT OUR #ElectionEdge LIVE Blog at @21WIRE for real-time updates: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET:
Direct download: 2020_ElectionEdge_2-_These_Swings_States_Are_Now_Moving_to_Trump.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 10:26am CST |
Sun, 25 October 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. The 2020 Election is heating up to a steady boil now, as America heads into the final stretch of the epic grudge match that is the 2020 General Election. In the first hour we’ll be joined by special guest George Szamuely, Senior Research Fellow, Global Policy Institute and author of Bombs for Peace: NATO’s Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia, as he breaks down what people need to be looking for in the final week of this historic contest. In the second hour we’ll speak with the Sunday Wire’s Roving Correspondent for Culture and Sport, Basil Valentine, for more on the election odd, weird anomalies in polls, and why America is heading for a collision crash in 2020.. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… VISIT OUR 2020 ELECTION EDGE LIVE BLOG: SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Thu, 22 October 2020
2020 Election Edge: We're now less than two weeks out for one of the most historic US Presidential Elections in living memory. By all accounts, this is currently an incredibly tight race - tighter than MSM are reporting and we'll tell you why. Everyone wants to know: which way will these key swing states go? 21WIRE editor and UK Column co-host Patrick Henningsen offers a fresh and unconventional analysis of the 2020 race for White House, looking at some of interesting battleground states and key factors which mainstream pollsters and media are definitely missing now. After trailing all summer in the national polls, GOP incumbent President Donald Trump appears to be re-gaining momentum this week, cutting into Democrat Joe Biden's perceived comfortable lead. Do national opinion polls even matter anymore? This contest will end up coming down to a lot of invisible factors and dark matter. Henningsen explains what to look out for before the big day on November 3rd. Watch this space! Watch this report here: Check in with real-time updates, factoids, and analysis at 21st Century Wire's 2020 Election Edge LIVE BLOG:
Direct download: 2020_ElectionEdge_Trump_Has_Momentum_in_Key_Battleground_States_720p.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:46pm CST |
Sun, 18 October 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. 2020 Election’s is heating up, as America was treated to an October Surprise this week – a laptop surfaced with emails from Hunter Biden which proceeded to throw the mainstream media into a spin and trigger the Silicon Valley’ Great Blue Firewall in order to prevent the public from seeing the important breaking story. The Covidian Cult continues to ascend in Europe and the UK, as Boris Johnson’s government is doubling-down on its “Second Wave” theory by preemptively locking down half the country under a dazzling new regime of ever-changing rules and measures which no one can really understand anymore. So much for ‘Russian meddling.’ In the second hour we’ll speak with the Sunday Wire’s Roving Correspondent for Culture and Sport, Basil Valentine, for more on the gospel of the new Branch Covidian Church. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… Show links: VISIT OUR 2020 ELECTION EDGE LIVE BLOG: SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at: |
Sun, 11 October 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. 2020 Election’s now in full tilt, and so is COVID “Second Wave” hysteria, which can only mean that another glorious train wreck is imminent. But still, the old matrix is collapsing right before our eyes, and so we ask the question: What if you’re right, and they’re all wrong? We’ll talk out this and the current state of the world with special guest Richard K. Moore author of Escaping the Matrix, who is featured in the latest “Great Reset” special edition of New Dawn Magazine. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Sat, 10 October 2020
Now that the Cambridge Analytica fake news bubble has officially popped, will Integrity Initiative journalist Carole Cadwalladr give back her awards? Of course not. This is how the establishment propaganda machine works... ICO Report: Catch more UKC News here:
Direct download: ICO_Report_Confirms_What_We_Already_Knew_Cambridge_Analytica_Brexit_Meddling_Story_Was_Fake_720p.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:46pm CST |
Mon, 5 October 2020
Oh, the irony here... Isn't it ironic that "Al" (Boris) Johnson would turn Britain into a nation of 'letter boxes' in 2020. Plus, why are we still muzzling our society given what we now know about masks? Once again, the cure is worse than the disease. Watch this podcast here: |
Sun, 4 October 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. As if the election and COVID hysteria weren’t enough, following a raucous debate with Democrat nominee Joe Biden, on Friday morning President Trump and the First Lady reported they’ve tested positive for the Coronavirus – so now all bets are off, literally. We’ll also review the latest blockbuster special edition from New Dawn Magazine entitled ‘The Great Reset”. Later, in the second hour, we’ll be joined by Deacon Brother Basil Valentine for the first Sunday service of the New Universal Church of The New Normal and Holy Corona, as well as a look at this week’s wild ride in domestic and global affairs. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Tue, 29 September 2020
Sun, 27 September 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. It’s been a tough week on many levels – after touching on some of the stories this week in US, UK and internationally, we’ll discuss about the recent passing of two towering figures in journalism and international relations, 21WIRE correspondent Andre Vltchek, and the Nation’s Prof. Stephen F. Cohen, as well as serious incident involving Dr. Ron Paul who is currently recovering in the hospital. We’ll also replay one of Andre’s final appearances on the Sunday Wire during EP 330 from Santiago, Chile. Later, in the second hour, we’ll be joined by the Sunday Wire’s roving correspondent for culture & sport, Basil Valentine, for a look at this week’s wild ride in domestic and global affairs. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Fri, 25 September 2020
With fears being stoked by media and government of a Second Wave of COVID and threats of a second lockdown – as multiple contrived crises collide, something significant is afoot in the United States. It seems now that the very same Color Revolutions created and backed by western governments and their intelligence agencies – is currently being deployed at home. We break down this emerging situation – the very real possibility of a coup plot hatched by a coalition of Democrat, MSM and deep state operatives which looks set to be triggered on Nov 4th ( – the day after the coming U.S. Presidential Election. Will the country survive what looks like a planned coup? Listen to the full Sunday Wire show here: SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Tue, 22 September 2020
She’s the latest in a long line of feted ‘opposition leaders’ selected by the United States and its allies, this time from Belarus. Svetlana Tikhanovskaya is now doing the rounds in Brussels to try and lobby for the EU to “be more brave” and impose punitive economic sanctions on her country – supposedly over claims of election fraud, but is there more to this story than the western mainstream media are telling their audiences? The US and NATO-led move to isolate and punish Belarus and its President Alexander Lukashenko, a traditional ally of Russia, is currently being held up by EU member Cyprus – who is holding back its support until the EU declare sanctions on Turkey. It’s unlikely Brussels will levy sanctions on Ankara. Moreover, fashioning Tikhanovskaya as the next Juan Guiado avatar and imposing sanctions – may end up being an own-goal on the part of the West. Invariably, it will only push Belarus even closer towards Moscow. 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen spoke with RT International about this controversial development and where it’s likely to be heading. Watch this interview here: |
Sun, 20 September 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. With fears being stoked by media and government of a Second Wave of COVID and threats of a second lockdown – as multiple contrived crises collide, something significant is afoot in the United States. It seems now that the very same Color Revolutions created and backed by western governments and their intelligence agencies – is currently being deployed at home. We break down this emerging situation which looks set to hit on Nov 4th – the day after the coming US Presidential Election. Will the country survive what looks like a planned coup? Later, in the second hour, we’ll be joined by the Sunday Wire’s roving correspondent for culture & sport, Basil Valentine, for a look at this and other breaking events in the US, UK and Europe. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_341_american_color_revolution_with_host_patrick_henningsen_edit.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 7:50pm CST |
Mon, 14 September 2020
It's time to really, seriously start talking about PCR tests and how they've been used to create a 'Case-demic'... What we've known and have been saying for months was finally confirmed by the New York Times in recent weeks: This idea that a Positive Test for Coronavirus equals a Case, is a complete abomination of medical terminology. It's a total Lie and misrepresentation of reality. But yet, COVID ‘New Normal’ policies all around the world are being built on top of this Big Lie. The next time you hear about “Cases, Cases, Cases” from government or in the media you would be right to start asking questions. Watch UK Column News 1PM UK Time Monday-Wednesday-Friday at: |
Mon, 14 September 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. As western society continues to drive itself over the cliff of reality, rest assured we’ll be here to provide shamanic guidance. As 2020 election draws nearer, pro-lockdown mobs in the US are becoming more unhinged and acting out, many afflicted with an increasingly common acute condition know as TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). Meanwhile, a new industry is picking up steam in the US, UK, Europe and Australia and its predicated on the disaster capitalism model – it’s the COVID gravy train, where vast fortunes are being made by those with the right connections – all at the people’s expense. In the second hour, we’ll be joined by the Sunday Wire’s roving correspondent for culture and sport, Basil Valentine, for an esoteric explanation of the Tory government’s attempt to construct a new bio-surveillance nanny state. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Sun, 6 September 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. The world is getting stranger by the day, as political leaders, media and certain sections of the public continue to embrace the mass hysteria of the COVID crisis. Some people literally cannot tell what is real and what is fake. Troubling times indeed, but this week we’ll do our best to unraveling the official programming to help you see the woods from the tree. We’ll talk about the latest Bill Gates vaccine debacle, the new Novichok plot to supposedly hit Russian Alexei Navalny, and why people are dutifully marching to the establishment drum beat on masks and mass panic-demic, and how peoples’ sense of reality has been hijacked. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Thu, 3 September 2020
On Monday's edition of UK Column News we cited this important investigation recently published in the New York Times: "Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn't Be." What we've been saying for months has finally been floated out and confirmed by the NYT. Is the PCR test reliable? Should we base the 'New Normal', shut down schools, shutdown the economy, roll out a vaccine based on this PCR test? The evidence presented here suggests we should not. It's highly likely that most positive PCR tests do not even rise to the level of a 'case' – a term that has been used for months by governments and media to peddle nonstop fear – because the viral load in these positive tests are too low to be contagious. We break it down for you in 2 minutes... |
Thu, 27 August 2020
In EP 338 of the SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen speaks with global affairs analyst George Szamuely, author of “Bombs for Peace: NATO’s Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia” to unpack the Democrat National (virtual) Convention. With the hawks already circling, we ask what would a Biden Administration’s foreign policy might look like? Also, who’s really driving the current US and EU-backed ‘color revolution’ in Belarus? The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Mon, 24 August 2020
American politics continues to get weirder by the hour, with this past week’s U.S. Democratic Presidential Convention descending into a fashion show for COVID masks, and other strange ‘virtual’ performances staged in someone’s basement. Nothing embodies the weirdness of politics in the age of Corona quite like the Democratic National Convention. The Dems go, once again, to their crutch in this election – wheeling out the old party luminaries to cover for Joe Biden at the top of the ticket. The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Sun, 23 August 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. American politics continues to get weirder by he hour, with this past week’s US Democratic Presidential Convention descending into a fashion show for COVID masks, and other strange ‘virtual’ performances staged in someone’s basement. We’ll also look aback at Patrick’s COVID feature published in New Dawn Magazine back in April, a prescient article which laid out globalist ‘pandemic’ agenda in the early days of lockdown. In the first hour we’ll connect with global affairs analyst, George Szamuely, author of Bombs for Peace: NATO’s Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia, to unpack the Dem Convention and with the hawks already circling, we ask what would a Biden Administration’s foreign policy might look like, and also who’s really driving the current Color Revolution in Belarus? In the second hour we’ll be joined by the SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, to discuss the bizarre drama unfolding in British politics, and also the slow motion Royal train wreck in progress with Meghan Markle now weighing on the US election. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Sun, 16 August 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. Evidence continues to emerge of a broader agenda intending to reformation of societies and 21st century life under the pretext of a supposed ‘global pandemic,’ including the breakneck drive towards a cashless society – an agenda which is being driven by many of the usual suspects. The US Presidential Election took a new turn this week as ‘virtual’ Joe Biden announced his VP pick will be Kamala Harris who looks set to takeover Biden’s role as President as soon as Joe is removed from the frame. Biden then took to the podium to announce that he would require every American to wear a mask outdoors for at least 3 months. Harris also wasted no time aggressively pushing for a roll-out of a COVID vaccine. Meanwhile American cities descend into in chaos, between the continued rioting and Mayors imposing new COVID travel quarantines. Are the Democrats using COVID as a political weapon for this year’s election? This raises many legitimate questions surrounding both the efficacy and safety of vaccines and we address some of these as we review Dr. Vernon Coleman’s book on vaccine safety, and discuss a previous debate between Robert F. Kennedy Jr vs Alan Dershowitz on the prospect mandatory vaccinations. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Mon, 10 August 2020
In EP 336 of the SUNDAY WIRE show, host Patrick Henningsen is joined by global affairs analyst Dr Mohammad Marandi from the University of Tehran, to discuss the recent developments in Beirut, Lebanon in the aftermath of the tragic explosion which destroyed the city's port area and resulted in many dead and injured, as well as 300,000 made homeless due to ancillary damages. Dr Marandi also explains some of the legacy issues in Lebanese politics, as well as the true aims of US and its allies in the region, motivation behind punishing economic sanctions by Washington, and how these policies actually prevent delivery of regional aid, cooperation and prosperity among neighboring states. The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Sun, 9 August 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. The US Presidential Election is finally beginning to show signs of life, as Joe Biden emerges from the shadows, threatening to begin campaigning in public and maybe picking his Vice President this week. Also, some US states are implementing disturbing new “COVID Laws” which may not be be legal. In the first hour we with connect with political scientist from the University of Tehran, Dr. Mohammad Marandi, to discuss the recent Beirut Blast tragedy, what it means, who might be responsible and how this event will reshape the country’s politics – and indeed the Middle East’s agenda going forward. Later in the second hour we’ll be joined by the Sunday Wire’s roving correspondent for culture & sport, Basil Valentine for more on the painful trials and tribulations of lockdown Britain. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_336_beirut_s_eruption_with_guest_mohammad_marandi_edit2.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 10:19am CST |
Tue, 4 August 2020
Earlier this week, 21WIRE reported on the incredible controversy which is now building in America, where Democrat-led pro-Lockdown lobby is pushing to close or steer people away from in-person voting at polling stations across the country for November’s General Election – primarily on the back of ‘COVID fears.’ In response, President Trump has begun pushing back hard on Democrats plan to ‘mail in’ the election. The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Sun, 2 August 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. General hysteria and the collapse in critical thinking seems to reaching an all-time peak now, as economies rapidly deteriorate, particularly in countries with lockdown enthusiast governments, as politicians relish in their newfound powers, pulling millions out of work and on to the bread lines. The issue of masks seems to be the new flashpoint, but it appears to be a logical prelude to some governments’ aggressive push to vaccinate their populations. The muzzling doesn’t stop there, as government and Silicon Valley begin attacking and censoring any dissenting views online. Will the collective madness increase going into the fall? In the second hour we’ll be joined by the Sunday Wire’s roving correspondent for culture & sport, Basil Valentine and Hesher from ACR’s Boiler Room for their take of the current calamities in Britain, US and beyond. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_335_still_loving_your_mask.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:04pm CST |
Mon, 27 July 2020
The Sunday Wire Radio Show with Patrick Henningsen is a MASK-FREE program. In fact, all the programs broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network DO NOT require a mask while listening. This has been a public service announcement... Thank you, |
Sun, 26 July 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. Just as the supposed ‘pandemic’ subsides and society, the economy have a chance to rebound, governments in the US, Canada and UK have decided they need the crisis to continue, for as long as possible it seems. Why? In the second hour we’ll be joined by the Sunday Wire’s roving correspondent for culture & sport, Basil Valentine for a hint of normality and healthy dose of sanity. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_334_war_on_normality.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 10:02am CST |
Fri, 17 July 2020
Partisan mainstream outlets and Democratic Party leaders are in an uproar over President Trump granting clemency to former advisor Roger Stone, saving him from 3 1/2 years in prison for various process crimes stemming from the failed Mueller Probe. The anti-Trump 'Resistance' claims 'Trump has made a mockery of the justice system', but is this really true? What crime did Roger Stone actually commit? Is his conviction linked to the DOJ's indictments of Julian Assange? 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen spoke to RT International about Stone's release and what it really means.
Direct download: Explained-Why-Roger-Stone-Did-Nothing-Wrong.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:40am CST |
Wed, 8 July 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. America is in the grips of an undeclared civil war, only most people haven’t yet acknowledged it. All this and much, more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Tue, 7 July 2020
In the first hour of EP 332 of the SUNDAY WIRE show, host Patrick Henningsen talks with special guest, UK-based public speaker, personal coach and content creator, Richard Grannon, to discuss the psychological impact of the COVID19 'Lockdown' on individuals and on society as a whole. This was a fascinating conversation with insight into heady areas like psychological warfare and how people can make sense and better cope with this unusual and highly challenging situation which has affected the lives of so many. Visit Richard's YouTube channel here: CHECK OUT THE FULL SUNDAY WIRE ARCHIVE HERE: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET: |
Sun, 5 July 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. American Independence Day weekend has not been without its political drama, and we’ll delve into some of the controversial stories topping the headlines over the past few days as the West faces a deep crisis of liberty. Later, in the first hour, we’re joined by a very special guest – UK-based public speaker, personal coach and content creator, Richard Grannon, to discuss the psychological impact of the COVID Lockdown on individuals and society as a whole. In the final segment we’ll connect with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine for the latest on Britain’s New Normal and other world events we need to know about. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_332_taking_liberties_with_special_guest_richard_grannon_sp1.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:17pm CST |
Wed, 1 July 2020
Sunday Wire host Patrick Henningsen presents the week's top stories in 'The New Abnormal' during his first hour of Episode #331... The COVID hysteria continues to overtake America and the UK, as the media and political operatives ramp-up fears of a “Second Wave” and lots of “new cases” despite the fact that the deaths have tailed off or are non existent in most countries. Universities in America have begun requiring mandatory vaccines for students to be allowed on campus. Also, the War on Statues continues across the Anglo-sphere, as social justice mobs declare a whole new raft of historical figure as “racist” ahead of the 2020 Election, and the MSM have launched a new Russian conspiracy theory this week as US spooks claim Putin paid Taliban to take out US soldiers in Afghanistan. CHECK OUT THE FULL SUNDAY WIRE ARCHIVE HERE: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET: |
Sun, 28 June 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. The COVID hysteria continues to overtake America and the UK, as the media and political operatives ramp-up fears of a “Second Wave” and lots of “new cases” despite the fact that the deaths have tailed off or are non existent in most countries. Universities in America have begun requiring mandatory vaccines for students to be allowed on campus. Also, the War on Statues continues across the Anglo-sphere, as social justice mobs declare a whole new raft of historical figure as “racist” ahead of the 2020 Election, and the MSM have launched a new Russian conspiracy theory this week as US spooks claim Putin paid Taliban to take out US soldiers in Afghanistan. In the final segment we’ll also talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine for the latest on Britain’s COVID debacle as it prepares to ‘open up’ the economy this week. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Tue, 23 June 2020
In EP 330 of the Sunday Wire radio program, we spoke with intrepid author and writer, Andre Vltchek, to discuss the incredible still unfolding in Chile, where the government of Sebastian Pinera has managed to engineer a “Corona Coup”, where the autocratic government has used 'Lockdown' quarantine and martial law to effectively sideline any political opposition or reforms, while consolidating more power by the day - all in the name of 'public safety.' See Andre's available book titles here: CHECK OUT THE FULL SUNDAY WIRE ARCHIVE HERE: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET: |
Sun, 21 June 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. America’s ‘social justice’ upheaval has gone international, from protests and riots, to the renewed ‘war on statues,’ and Seattle’s CHAZ/CHOP takeover. Is all of this sustainable? How accurate are the underlying political assumptions of this unrest? In the second hour, we’ll connect with author and writer Andre Vltchek to discuss the incredible unfolding of Lockdown Chile’s “Corona Coup”, with an autocratic government consolidating more power by the day. In the final segment we’ll also talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine for the latest on UK dilemma of ‘opening up’ the economy and the New Normal. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_330_corona_coup_with_guest_andre_vltchek.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:24pm CST |
Sat, 20 June 2020
Meet "Coroni" - our new mascot to help educate on the mass confusion around where we're told the virus thrives most. He's a crafty (and political) little sprite! |
Mon, 15 June 2020
When This Is All Over
And each from one another, we’ll no longer feel to lurch There’ll be dining in the restaurants and laughter in the pubs And we’ll cease to see the need each week to clap for those in scrubs
And folk may begin once more to act with charm and grace No mask required on bus or train, no fearful looks from strangers Free at last from stress and strain, afraid of hidden dangers
And relish every moment, each and every bite The wine will flow, the laughter doubtless ring And if I have enough to drink, I may even start to sing !
A few nights in a hotel would be such a joy to stay A cafe lunch, a fine museum, oh the things we took for granted Before this dreadful lurgi, in all our minds was planted
For the solace of the lockdown has long since begun to cloy These groundhog days are tiresome, it’s a stale and phony peace One day soon it must surely, and forever CEASE !
Direct download: When_This_Is_All_Over_Basil_V.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:10pm CST |
Fri, 12 June 2020
Months of government-ordered lockdowns, the economic calamity that followed, and mass protests after the death of George Floyd – a perfect storm for what's happened now. We're living through a 'Covid Masked Carnival' explains host Patrick Henningsen in the opening segment of his Sunday Wire Radio Show. Listen to the full Episode #329 here: |
Sun, 7 June 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. Now in its third week, America’s quasi-lockdown upheaval continues as streets mobs continue to demanding more ‘social justice’ over the death of Minnesota’s George Floyd. Will America be split apart at the seams? In the final segment we’ll also talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine for the latest on US meltdown and also UK tired corona crisis and its dragging on of lifting lockdowns. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_329_covid_masked_carnival.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:31pm CST |
Sat, 6 June 2020
The universal issue that nobody seems to care about... Sunday Wire host Patrick Henningsen explains. Listen to Episode #328 – ‘America’s Lockdown Ends with a Bang’ with special guests |
Sun, 31 May 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. We start off with the biggest news the week – it seems that America’s 10 week Coronavirus Lockdown has suddenly been busted open by the killing of Minnesota’s George Floyd and the burning of America. In the final segment we’ll also talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine for the latest on US meltdown and also UK corona crisis and lifting lockdowns this week, along with a bit of COVID Sporting news. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_328_americas_lockdown_ends_witha_bang.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:10pm CST |
Sun, 24 May 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. As summer fast approached and 20% of the world’s population is still somewhat “locked-up” under house arrest, we continue our commentary on the Coronavirus COVID-19 crisis, as governments continue to double-down on a panic-driven policy decision which looks certain to be the biggest epic failure in modern history. In the first hour we speak with journalist and historian Olsi Jazexhi from Tirana, Albania for an update on his country’s #CoronaCoup as the people begin pushing back against US-backed dictator who hoped to use the COVID crisis to seize autocratic power over the country. In the final segment we’ll also talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, and ACR’s Hesher for the latest on US states lifting lockdowns this week. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_327_no_sign_o_second_wave_olsi_jazexhi_sp.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:35pm CST |
Sun, 17 May 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we continue our commentary on the Coronavirus COVID-19 crisis and the great social engineering experiment known as ‘lockdown’, as governments continue to double-down on a policy decision which looks certain to be the biggest epic failure in modern history. New economic figures are in which now point to a global depression, with central banks printing money like there’s no tomorrow, and governments saying that the people must pay the bill through higher taxes and spending cuts over the coming decades. In the second hour, we’ll connect with special guest, independent researcher, David Crowe, to discuss his recent analysis of the COVID-19 RT-PCR RNA testing, as well the efficacy of COVID antibody testing – how accurate they are and how this paradigm could affect governments’ policies and society going forward. In the final segment we’ll also talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, and ACR’s Hesher for the latest on US states lifting lockdowns this week. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_326_covid_crash_test_with_guest_david_crowe_nrml.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:16pm CST |
Wed, 13 May 2020
The COVID-19 crisis has seen a wave of mass hysteria and panic sweeping across the planet, and which seems to have prompted Western governments to overreact in ever grand fashion to 'the threat.' Where are they getting all of their prompts, ideas and policies? The answer: from the beginning, they have all been copying China. And the results have been disastrous. Why is this happening, seeing the West, especially the US, has always prided itself on being the ideological 'opposite' of China, and is using the COVID crisis to accelerate a new Cold/Hot War with China? Could it be that the Coronavirus crisis has initiated a process of harmonization in global fascism? UKC News co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson offer some answers these questions. (This is an edited segment from a live news program broadcast on April 24, 2020). Watch this segment here:
Direct download: COVID-19_Crisis_Why_is_West_copying_all_Chinas_COVID_policies_a_128k.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 9:05am CST |
Sun, 10 May 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we continue our commentary on the globalists’ ubiquitous Medieval-style pandemic ‘lockdown’ experiment, as governments around the world double-down what is already being exposed as one of the worst epic failures of policy in modern history. Countries are now being held hostage by ad-hoc Big Government policies being directly influenced by billionaire philanthropists and NGOs. As the social and economic bill continues to pile up, governments continue to send mixed signals on lifting lockdowns and also how they plan to continue ‘fighting’ the Coronavirus COVID-19 respiratory infectious disease. We’ll also revisit the situation in the non-lockdown Sweden to how they got on this past week and why their success story show raise alarms as to the total debacle experienced by the likes of US and UK. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and |
Sun, 26 April 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we continue our coverage of the Western world’s experimental Medieval-style, draconian ‘lockdown’ measures, featuring the voluntary implosion of participating countries’ economies, societies along with the indefinite suspension of democracy as we once knew it – all in reaction to the presence of a novel Coronavirus COVID-19 infection. We’ll also look at the situation in the non-lockdown nation of Sweden and how they managed to pull through the crisis without flattening their society and economy. In the final segment we’ll also talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine and ACR’s Hesher, on the latest government meltdown over whether or not the “end the lockdown” as the coronavirus crisis rolls on. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_324_lockdown_folly_part_deux_with_basil_hesher.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 4:34pm CST |
Wed, 22 April 2020
Since the Coronavirus crisis began, western politicians looked to China for nearly all of their response policies, including the reactionary decision to impose a Medieval-style 'Lockdown' - effectively shutting down their economies and societies in order to try and contain the novel coronavirus. After some weeks into this crisis, we are now able to begin the analysis comparing these two policies and their results - between Lockdown and Non-Lockdown countries and states. The results seem crystal clear already - the Non-Lockdown countries, as well as Non-Lockdown states within the USA, have generally out-performed the Lockdown states by the metric of lower deaths per millions. This should beg the question: why did governments from Lockdown states ignore the real science and opt instead for an experimental medieval-style universal-national quarantine approach. Is it possible that mass-panic and rushed Lockdown polices have actually contributed to more unnecessary deaths and collateral damage that could have otherwise been avoided by adopted a more cool, calm and intelligent science-based approach taken by Non-Lockdown countries like Sweden, Japan, Iceland, Belarus and South Korea? What's more, the Non-Lockdown countries and states have achieved much more favorable results without having to ruin their economies and societies by voluntarily initiating a downward spiral that could end up being hundreds of millions of lives, families, businesses and communities in the process. If this was a government IQ test, then clearly thus was an epic fail for reactionary Pro-Lockdown Governments. UKC News co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson have some answers as they bring you the early week’s headlines from around the world. (This is an edited segment from a live news program broadcast on April 17, 2020).
Direct download: covid19-comparing-results-of-lockdown-vs-nonlockdown-states.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 6:59pm CST |
Sun, 19 April 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we continue our coverage of the Western world’s experimental Medieval-style, draconian ‘lockdown’ measures, featuring the voluntary implosion of participating countries’ economies, societies along with the indefinite suspension of democracy as we once knew it – all in reaction to the presence of a novel Coronavirus COVID-19 infection. In the final segment we’ll also talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, on the latest government meltdown over whether or not the “end the lockdown” as the coronavirus crisis rolls on. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_323_lockdown_folly_sp1.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:07pm CST |
Tue, 14 April 2020
On Episode #322 of the Sunday Wire Radio Show: We look at Microsoft founder and billionaire oligarch Bill Gates and the role he is playing in aggressively pushing for mandatory coronavirus vaccine for every person on the planet. Listen to the full show here:
Sun, 12 April 2020
Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we continue our coverage of the Western world’s draconian ‘lockdown’ leading to the voluntary implosion of country’s economies, societies and the indefinite suspension of democracy as we once knew it – all in reaction to the presence of a novel Coronavirus COVID-19 infection. In the first hour we’ll talk with writer, entrepreneur, and pioneer in organic farming, Sir Julian Rose, o discuss how the crisis might affect the food supply and people’s diets, as well as the mass psychological, cultural and political effects as well. In the second hour, we’ll connect with health and nutrition advocate Clive de Carle to discuss practical ways you can help to improve your immune system this spring. In the final segment we talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, on how people and governments are coping with to the coronavirus crisis. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_322_sovereign_immunity_with_guests_sir_julian_rose_and_clive_de_carle.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 9:13am CST |
Sun, 5 April 2020
Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we continue our coverage of the Western world’s complete lockdown of society and voluntary implosion of their real economies and democracies in reaction to the outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19 disease. In the first hour we’ll talk with independent analyst and mathematician Andrew Mather, to learn how far off the mark US, UK and European countries are in their assessment of the threat posed by the novel coronavirus. In the second hour, we’ll return to talk with last week’s guest, journalist and historian, Olsi Jazexhi for an update on the full-blown Martial Law situation in eastern Europe, specifically in Albania – now in its fourth week of lockdown and suspension of democracy. In the final segment we talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, on how people and governments are coping with to the coronavirus crisis. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_321_blinded_me_with_science_with_guests_andrew_mather_and_olsi_jazexhi.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:24pm CST |
Thu, 2 April 2020
Consortium News recently published a video read out of an ‘International Jurists’ Letter in Support of Julian Assange’, read by 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen. About the letter: “This International Jurists’ letter to British authorities in support of Julian Assange was prepared by Deepa Govindarajan Driver and sent to its addressee (the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, with copies sent to the Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn, and other leading politicians) and made public on 22nd February 2020.” The letter is available in text format here: Consortium News also reported that: “There were 44 signatories at the time of the letter’s release to the press. Those invited to sign are current and former judges, lawyers, and legal academics. If you would like to sign the letter, please write to Deepa Driver at with the email title ‘Assange Jurists’ Letter’, your statement of consent, your title, name, designation and organisation, and your reason for signing (if you wish to include a comment for inclusion in publicity). Deepa can be contacted with questions at the above email address.” Watch the video read out of this letter here: |
Sun, 29 March 2020
![]() This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we’ll evaluate the status of North America and Europe’s total lockdown of society and engineered collapse of their real economies said to be in reaction to the outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19 disease. Are the current numbers really matching-up to the doomsday predictions issued by Western governments just two weeks ago? In the first hour we’ll talk with investigative journalist and founder of Arms Watch, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva about the coronavirus as well as the draconian lockdown in EU member state Bulgaria and the devastating effect it is having on society already. In the second hour, we’ll return to talk with last week’s guest, journalist and university lecturer Olsi Jazexhi for an update on full-blown Martial Law in EU candidate state Albania in eastern Europe, now in its third week of lockdown and suspension of democracy, as well as a key update on the real potential for social unrest in Italy, and how the US government used the coronavirus ‘crisis’ there to swiftly achieved a successful regime change in Kosovo. In the final segment we talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, on how people and governments are dealing with to the coronavirus crisis. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_320_the_corona_iron_curtain_with_guests_dilyana_gaytandzhieva_and_olsi_jazexhi.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:32pm CST |
Fri, 27 March 2020
In EP 319 of the SUNDAY WIRE, host Patrick Henningsen speaks intrepid writer, filmmaker and author of 18 books, Andre Vltchek, who just completed an around the world journey, passing through numerous airports and coronavirus/COVID 19 quarantine zones on three continents. Andre describes the difference between the 'crisis' in China, Hong Kong, Europe, South America, and the rest of the world. See Andre's available book titles here: CHECK OUT THE FULL SUNDAY WIRE ARCHIVE HERE: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING:
Fri, 27 March 2020
In EP 319 of the SUNDAY WIRE, host Patrick Henningsen speaks with writer, journalist and educator, Olsi Jazexhi, for a report on the lock-down in Albania now in its third week, with bread riots already starting. This is a truly harrowing story of how one European government used the coronavirus COVID 19 'pandemic' to suspend democracy and declare Martial Law. Make no mistake about it - this is a "Corona Coup" d'etat. CHECK OUT THE FULL SUNDAY WIRE ARCHIVE HERE: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING:
Sun, 22 March 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we’ll discuss the West’s total lockdown of society and implosion of their economies supposedly as a reaction to the outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19 disease – driven by pure fear and irrational hysteria – but not based on real science, and which will have devastating effects on the societies, politics, and the economy. In the first hour we will speak to writer, journalist and educator Olsi Jazexhi for a report on the lock-down in Albania now in its second week, with bread riots already starting. In the second hour we’ll speak to intrepid writer Andre Vltchek, filmmaker and author of 18 books, who just completed an around the world journey, passing through different airports and coronavirus quarantine zones on three continents. In the final segment we talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, to look at how various people, governments are dealing with to the coronavirus crisis. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_319_panic_lockdown_backlash_with_guests_andre_vltchek_and_olsi_jazexhi.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 3:56pm CST |
Mon, 16 March 2020
21WIRE's Patrick Henningsen joins Fault Lines Radio hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan on Monday morning DC/KC drive time: Henningsen on the current COVID-19 crisis response as governments around the world order social and economic shutdowns: *** This segment was clipped from the March 16, 2020 live broadcast: |
Sun, 15 March 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we’ll discuss the ramping-up of global emergency measures to tackle the outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19 disease, as the fear quickly overtakes any semblance of science or rational response. Already, the political, social, and economic impact of government policies will be lasting and far-reaching. Once the dust settles, will society be the same? We’ll explain how and why mass-hysteria and over-reaction by authorities could end up going horribly wrong by the time officials fonally call time on this crisis. In the final segment we talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, to analyze the different reactions to the coronavirus epidemic by the US, UK and European governments. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_318_outbreak_the_reality_tv_show.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 1:21pm CST |
Sun, 8 March 2020
On July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine’s Donbass region, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew. What followed has been a geopolitical battle between the US and NATO bloc (including Ukraine) on one side, and Russia on the other, which each side asserting that the other is responsible for the disaster. Following on from this week's press conference with Bonanza Media in London, 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen had great discussion here with independent investigators and documentary filmmakers Yana Yerlashova and Max van der Werff about what to expect at the upcoming MH17 Trial in The Hague, Netherlands. Who is guilty and who is innocent? One thing is certain now: the official narrative is collapsing. Watch this interview here: |
Sun, 1 March 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week, we look back at the Julian Assange US extradition hearing in London, what happened and what it means going forward. We’ll take a look at the Coronavirus fear and hype and try to get a rational fix on what exactly is happening, also we’ll cover the Bolivian election study which exonerates Evo Morales, as well as Trump’s ‘peace deal’ for Afghanistan – will it really last? Later in the first hour, we’re joined by author and scholar of Turkish history and politics, Dr Can Erimtan, to talk about the newest crisis brewing over Idlib, Syria – with Erdogan and Turkey attacking Syria and threatening to pull in NATO if anyone dares to engage with them. In the final segment we’ll talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, about the inside manuevers of the British state regarding the Assange case and other related news. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE BY DOWNLOADING BRAVE BROWSER: MAKE A DONATION TO 21WIRE: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_317_the_next_big_crisis_with_guests_dr_can_erimtan.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:18pm CST |
Tue, 25 February 2020
Joe Lauria, editor of Consortium News, caught up with 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen on the streets of London to get his thoughts on this week’s Julian Assange extradition proceedings for the latest episode of CNLIVE! “People are beginning to see now that this case is held together by band-aids and match sticks…” Patrick would later attend Monday and Tuesday's opening arguments for the prosecution and defense inside the Woolwich Crown Court room. Watch this interview at 21WIRE.TV Follow 21WIRE’s live updates of Assange’s extradition hearing here
Direct download: CNLIVE-S2E5-PH-JL-LONDON-23FEB2020.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:03pm CST |
Sun, 23 February 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. We’re in London to discuss this week’s extradition hearing for Julian Assange, in-studio with special guest Joe Lauria, editor of Consortium News. We’ll also look back at yesterday’s march by Assange supporters to Parliament Square, some of the great addresses made by Assange supporters including Roger Waters, Brian Eno, and Yanis Varoufakis. Later in the second hour, we’ll return to 21WIRE intrepid reporter on the ground in Southeast Asia, with best-selling author, Andre Vltchek, for an exclusive report on the current devastation of the Southeast Asian island of Borneo, as well as a brief update on situation in Hong Kong and China with the panic and spread of the Coronavirus. All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… See more LIVE reporting of Assange march and court hearing @21WIRE on Twitter SUPPORT 21WIRE’S WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: DOWNLOAD BRAVE BROWSER: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_316_assange_hearing_begins_with_joe_lauria_andre_vltchek.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:41am CST |
Sun, 16 February 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. We’ll discuss some pretty shocking take-aways from the Munich Security Conference, especially regarding Huawei and China. Also, Boris cancels visit to see Trump at the White House, apparently over CIA wife’s hit-and-run extradition controversy – which could influence the extradition case of Julian Assange. Later in the first hour, we’ll go on the ground in Southeast Asia with 21WIRE intrepid international political correspondent and best-selling author, Andre Vltchek, to talk about the historic announcement in Philippines by President Duterte, kicking out US military, and the country’s fluctuating relations with neighboring China. In the final segment of overdrive, we’ll talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, to discuss how weaponized identity politics is ruining public discourse in America and Europe; as Basil says, “Politics is no longer a forum for debate, it’s where special interest groups issue ultimatums – which invariably opens the door for more oppression, with undemocratic forces entering the vacuum created by censorship.” All this and much, much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE’S WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: DOWNLOAD BRAVE BROWSER: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_315_trump_duterte_and_china_with_guests_andre_vltchek_and_basil_valentine_01.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:26pm CST |
Fri, 14 February 2020
Turkey has upped the war rhetoric again - this time threatening Syria directly, and indirectly threatening Russia. As Damascus advances towards liberating terrorist-occupied Idlib, Erdogan's game of poker in Syria will become increasingly unsustainable. When Turkey is eventually forced out, the US will also have to leave also. 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen spoke to RT News International about the risky situation unfolding in northern Syria. Watch this report here: MORE NEWS & ANALYSIS AT: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET:
Direct download:
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:10am CST |
Mon, 10 February 2020
What the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary has shown us is that the Democratic Party is now the party of billionaires, with centrist, Neoliberal oligarchs like Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer allowed to buy their way in the election – while the DNC elites and corporate media work to shut-out viable candidates like Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang. Democratic establishment has shifted so far to the right that it's hardly distinguishable from Neocons. UKC News co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen discuss how the political Left in America has colonized by the billionaires class. SEE MORE NEWS & ANALYSIS AT: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING: WE NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA OUTLET: |
Sun, 9 February 2020
![]() This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we’ll lift the lid on the Beltway Swamp’s wicked road show, otherwise known as the US Presidential Primaries, as campaigns’ predatory instincts kick-in, meanwhile the Democratic Party elites are busy behind the scenes attempting the fix the outcomes of their own electoral contents. Later in the first hour, we’ll go on the ground to the first proper Primary content in the state of New Hampshire, with ACR political commentator Daniel Spaulding, to break down and analyze who is trending and who is not – and what to expect on polling day. In the final segment of overdrive, we’ll talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, to discuss the Iowa Caucus debacle, as well as the recent meeting with John Shipton, father of Julian Assange, as well as the increasingly dull UK Labour leadership content as the party threatens to disappear for a decade down one of Tony Blair’s ready-made centerist rabbit holes. All this and much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE’S WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: DOWNLOAD BRAVE BROWSER: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_314_welcome_to_the_granite_state_with_guests_daniel_spaulding_and_basil_valentine.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:00pm CST |
Sun, 2 February 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. We’ll discuss the latest with Washington’s Impeachment Circus finally coming to an end, China’s menacing Wuhan/Corona Virus, and the cancellation of popular alternative media outlet Zero Hedge’s account from Twitter. Later in the first hour, we welcome special guest, Robert Inlakesh, journalist and foreign correspondent for Press TV, to discuss the Trump-Kushner-Netanyahu “Deal of the Century” and “Peace Plan” for Israel-Palestine, which was unveiled to great fanfare this past week, and what this will mean for the Middle East going forward. Also, Robert will discuss his recent deplatforming by Facebook Inc, and why this form of government-corporate censorship is dangerous for the public at large. In the final segment of overdrive, we’ll talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, to discuss his latest piece on Prince Charles’s intervention in the Palestinian issue, and more. All this and much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE’S WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: DOWNLOAD BRAVE BROWSER: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_313_president_in_law_with_guests_robert_inlakesh_and_basil_valentine.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:46pm CST |
Mon, 27 January 2020
![]() 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen joins host George Galloway in-studio for Episode #32 of “The Mother of All Talkshows” – discussing the latest on what clearly looks like a full-on cover-up of exculpatory evidence by the OPCW regarding the alleged ‘chemical attacks’ in Douma, Syria. Patrick recently attended a meeting at the House of Commons, which was held for the purpose of demanding more daylight for the OPCW leaks brought forth by multiple whistleblowers. He adds that all this is happening with the backdrop of potential ‘war crimes’ as a result of flawed or outright fraudulent evidence: “Striking another UN member state in an undeclared act of aggression…and the staging of dead bodies.” In the second half of the segment, George and Patrick get into the latest on Julian Assange, including his recent ‘unofficial solitary confinement’ and the likely continued, coordinated journalistic malpractice and mainstream media blackout as extradition proceedings go forward: “So imagine that. Going to render a journalist from another country. Bring him for a trial in the United States, on the mainland, not Guantanamo Bay, on the mainland. And then say, ‘you no longer have first amendment protections.'” Watch this segment here:
Direct download: the-douma-attack-the-truth-hear-the-real-story-on-moats.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:39am CST |
Sun, 26 January 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. We’ll look closer at the latest updates in Julian Assange US extradition case, and OPCW Leaks presentation at the House of Commons. Later in the first hour, we welcome a very special guest, author of Bombs for Peace, and global affairs analyst from the Global Policy Institute, George Szamuely, to discuss ACT ONE of US Senate’s theatrical Impeachment Trial of President Trump, and what to expect in ACT TWO. In the final segment of overdrive, we’ll talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, to discuss latest breaking news in what the White House and Tel Aviv are billing as “The Deal of the Century“, and the billionaire oligarch who is proposing new anti-free speech laws which would make any criticism of the policies or human rights abuses of the State of Israel to become a criminal offense in Europe. All this and much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE’S WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: DOWNLOAD BRAVE BROWSER: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_312_propaganda_as_gospel_guests_george_szamuely.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:20pm CST |
Sun, 19 January 2020
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. This week we’ll break down the latest from the #Impeachment debacle, how the Democrat 2020 Primary race just got dirty, as well as the new escalation from Europe against Iran over the crumbling JCPOA Nuclear Deal. Later in the first hour, we welcome a very special guest, Iraqi author, lecturer and prominent antiwar activist, Sami Ramadani, to discuss the current deadlock in the Middle East – as a reaction to Trump’s double-assassination, and Iran’s surprise missile retaliation, with the US now refusing to withdraw its military forces from Iraq. Does this signal a major power shift in the region, and the world? In the final segment of overdrive, we’ll talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, for discussion on a taboo subject in the British mainstream – the latest “10-point pledge” issued by the Board of Deputies of British Jews (BoD) to the Labour Party, allegedly “to tackle the anti-semitism crisis,” but in reality it is being used to purge the Labour Party of left-wing, anti-apartheid, antiwar members. All this and much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE’S WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: DOWNLOAD BRAVE BROWSER: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_311_out_of_babylon_guest_sami_ramadani.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:46am CST |
Sat, 18 January 2020
We spoke with special guest, Iranian political and global affairs analyst from the University of Tehran, Dr. Mohammad Marandi, to discuss what really happened between the US and Iran, and how these events will affect East-West international relations and diplomacy going forward. Time and time again, Washington has misread and miscalculated Iran and other countries in the region, leading to a string of foreign policy failures. CHECK OUT THE FULL SUNDAY WIRE ARCHIVE HERE: DONATE TO HELP US KEEP GOING:
Sun, 12 January 2020
![]() This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and Internationally. This week past week has been historic to say the least, with the United States and Iran locked into a dangerous military standoff amounting to the sum of all fear – an escalation towards a multinational or world war. In the end, Trump stood down in the face of retaliatory threats from Iran and its allies, but the story is far from over. Events later took another turn when it was revealed that Iranian air defenses accidentally shot down Ukrainian Airways Flight 572 after take off from Tehran International Airport. In the first hour, we’ll talk with special guest, Iranian political and global affairs analyst from the University of Tehran, Dr. Mohammad Marandi, to discuss what happened and how these events will affect East-West international relations and diplomacy going forward. We’ll also connect with Press TV correspondent Robert Inlakesh to talk about how all of this is shaping regional strategy between the US, its allies, and the Axis of Resistance, and also how Israel is reacting to recent events. In the final segment of overdrive, we’ll connected with the SUNDAY WIRE’s Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine for his take on this week’s incredible events, and also for an inside track on the apparent ‘break-up’ of the British Royal Family. How did this happen, and how will it effect UK politics? All this and much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE’S WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: DOWNLOAD BRAVE BROWSER: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_310_us_vs_iran_and_the_world.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 1:10pm CST |
Wed, 8 January 2020
Listen to this enlightening conversation with journalist Tareq Haddad – about his recent resignation from Newsweek over the media outlet’s refusal to properly cover the OPCW leaks exposing an internal cover-up of its investigation into the alleged ‘chemical attack’ in Syria. We discuss how the mainstream media landscape is changing, as mainstream media outlets become mere dispensers for government and corporate-driven propaganda narratives. Check out the trailer for Tareq's new "Conversations Podcast" here: |
Sun, 5 January 2020
![]() This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with guest host Hesher from ACR, covering the top stories in the US, Europe and Internationally. This week has seen a startling turn over world events, as the US has attacked an Iraqi military base, and followed that up by assassinated leaders in both Iranian and Iraqi military organizations. Meanwhile, President Trump is unhinged, going wild on Twitter threatening to bomb Iran, its oil industry and cultural sites next if they dare respond to America’s unprovoked attack against them. We’ll connected with Patrick Henningsen in London who has been reporting on this story this week, as well as political commentator Daniel Spaulding, and more. In the second hour we’ll also speak with the SUNDAY WIRE’s Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine. All this and much more. Enjoy the show… SUPPORT 21WIRE’S WINTER FUNDRAISING DRIVE: DOWNLOAD BRAVE BROWSER: SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV: The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at and
Direct download: episode_309_trump_invites_wwiii_hesher_pat_dan_baz.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 12:12pm CST |