Thu, 20 June 2024
TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with the Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, Daniel McAdams, about the current predicament Washington finds itself in, where they are underwriting not one, but two major wars, both of which have the potential to cascade in a wider conflict or worse – a World War. With Europe being led on a leash by Tony Blinken and the arms industry, it’s no wonder that the world finds itself locked in a terminal situation. More from Daniel: TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 4PM-6PM (NEW YORK) | 9PM-11PM (LONDON)
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Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 10:32am CST |
Thu, 20 June 2024
NT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with Human Rights Lawyer and author of “The Plot to Scapegoat Russia: How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Russia“, Dan Kovalik, about his recent intervention at the United Nations Security Council about Washington openly arming Nazi militants in Ukraine, as well as a real nuclear provocation by NATO’s proxy regime in Kiev. He also recounts his run-in with U.S. Senator John Fetterman over U.S. support for Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. More from Dan: TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 4PM-6PM (NEW YORK) | 9PM-11PM (LONDON)
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Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 10:31am CST |