21st Century Wire's Podcast

TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with veteran journalist based in Washington DC, Sam Husseini, about the current escalation of tension between Iran and Israel, and how the Biden Administration might react as a result on an impending military exchange between the two regional powers. As, the small nation of Nicaragua has taken on superpower Germany in the International Courts of Justice (ICJ) for Berlin’s role in backing Israel’s genocide of the native Palestinian population in Gaza.

More from Sam:

 TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 4PM-6PM (NEW YORK) | 9PM-11PM (LONDON) https://tntradio.live

Direct download: SAM_HUSSEINI_12424.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 2:14am CST