21st Century Wire's Podcast

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on January 8, 2024, Patrick talks with academic and author of “Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform”Mark Crispin Miller, about the rigged U.S. Presidential Election in 2020, and the very real prospect of more election fraud in 2024. What needs to happen before Americans finally wake up to this bona fide threat to the future viability of the United States as a constitutional republic? All this and more.

More from Mark:

Get a copy of Mark’s books here

 TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 11AM-1PM (NEW YORK) | 4PM-6PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):

Direct download: MARK_CRISPIN_8123.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 1:29am CST