21st Century Wire's Podcast

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on November 10, 2023, Patricks talks with independent researcher and journalist Michael Bryant, about a big underlying agenda that’s driving events in the Middle East now. It’s about how Israel has managed to steal the Palestinians’ natural gas fields off the coast of Gaza, a deal signed with BP, and Tel Aviv’s plans to transform Israel into the region’s new trade, finance and energy hub, including plans to create a new Israeli canal to overtake and replace Egypt’s Suez Canal as the new global trade choke point. All this and more. 

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 11AM-1PM (NEW YORK) | 4PM-6PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):

Direct download: MICHEAL_B_101123.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:32am CST

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on November 10, 2023, Patrick asks why the US is ploughing billions of dollars into funding multiple proxy wars – in Ukraine, Taiwan, and now with Israel as they carry out an active genocide against the native Palestinian people in Gaza. President Biden says he wants to be able to fight a “three front war”, which is actually insane. And he’s not alone. Is Washington actually financing the beginnings of WWIII? All this and more.

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 11AM-1PM (NEW YORK) | 4PM-6PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):

Direct download: HT_Uncle_Sams_WWIII_Michael.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:32am CST

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on November 7, 2023, Patrick explains how Israel is attempting the forced deportation of the native Palestinian population from their homes in Gaza. Despite the obvious war crimes being carried out in full view by the Israeli regime, Western leaders and the mainstream media are actively avoiding reporting on the actual facts out of Gaza, and are actively covering up historic violations of international law and the Geneva Convention by Israeli Occupation Forces. Will they ever be held to account by the international community? All this and more.

▶️ TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 11AM-1PM (NEW YORK) | 4PM-6PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):

Direct download: HT_This_is_What_Ethnic_Blake.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:29am CST

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on November 9, 2023, Patrick talks with Basil Valentine, host of the show Compass with Basil Valentine on TNT Radio, about the disturbing escalation this week by the Israeli occupation forces as they continue bombing the civilian population of Gaza, in what can only be described as open ethnic cleansing under threat of genocide of the native Palestinian people living there. Will Israel and its sponsors in these documented war crimes be held to account? All this and more.

More from Basil:
TNT Radio

 TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):

Direct download: BASIL_91123.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:26am CST

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on November 8, 2023, Patrick talks with independent researcher and blogger Iggy Semz about a new campaign to report Western governments to the International Criminal Court for war crimes over their role in aiding and abetting the state of Israel in its pogrom of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza. Iggy also offers his analysis on the current state of the conflict now in its fifth week. All this and more.

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 TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 11AM-1PM (NEW YORK) | 4PM-6PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):

Direct download: IGGY_81123.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:24am CST