21st Century Wire's Podcast

Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE as host Patrick Henningsen is joined in-studio by Mike Robinson editor of the UK Column to discuss this week's top stories from the US, Europe and beyond. In the first hour we'll cover the UK's breaking Russian Spy 'Novichok' Affair what it really means and what are the true motivations behind this international incident. Later we'll try and connect with SUNDAY WIRE roving correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, to look at how this event will impact East-West relations in the run-up to the much anticipated 2018 World Cup in Russia. Enjoy the show...

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The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm UK Time, 12pm-3pm EST (US), 9am-12pm PST (US) at http://alternatecurrentradio.com and http://thesundaywire.com.

Direct download: episode_226_statecraft_for_newcomers_sunday_wire_1.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 5:36pm CST