21st Century Wire's Podcast

SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen talks about the information and credibility war being waged by mainstream media on alternative media. Hear about how one major US news network contacted Patrick, ostensibly to do a "fake news" hit piece, and how he responded.

Also: more well-funded, mindless, meme factories like The Daily Dot pile on the attack of 21st Century Wire, Global Research and others.

The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio SUNDAY 5pm-8pm GMT, 12pm-3pm EST, 9am-12pm PST at http://alternatecurrentradio.com and http://thesundaywire.com.


Direct download: sw162-ph-under-attack-msm.mp3
Category:News & Politics -- posted at: 11:20am CST